Cloé Vanacker, first in the national aggregation competition

Cloé Vanacker, first in the national aggregation competition
Cloé Vanacker, first in the national aggregation competition

In education, it is difficult to be more selective than the national aggregation competition. Each year, barely 15% of candidates succeed. Cloé Vanacker, economic and social sciences teacher at De-Baudre high school, joined this very exclusive club. An entry through the front door, finishing first in France in the competition for her specialty.

Originally from Toulouse, Cloé Vanacker wasted no time on her way to achieving her professional dream. She says: “I always wanted to be a teacher! In middle school, it was more like a professor, when I discovered economics and social issues. In high school, the passion was triggered.” Logically, she directed her studies towards Economic and Social Administration (AES), then masters in education. At 21, she obtained the Certificate of Aptitude for Teaching in Secondary Education, in other words the Capes. Here she is, at 22, a teacher at De-Baudre high school, her first position.

In the process, she rushes for the first time towards the top of the aggregation. Without success, but it’s only a postponement. “After this unfortunate attempt, I decided to dedicate myself to it to succeed. I worked non-stop. At night, on weekends, I recorded my lessons orally so that I could listen to them as soon as possible. A necessity to succeed, because the expected knowledge is encyclopedic, aggregation is above all an exercise in scholarship. » A pace of work that borders on training to prepare for a six-hour written test, followed by a one-hour oral exam, this preceded by five hours of preparation. Without a doubt, a test as physical as it is intellectual.


His good results in the written exam allowed him to receive his invitation for the oral exam: a Saturday and a Sunday in Caen, in Normandy. Conditions that would make one superstitious. “I went there by car with my mother, that’s what I had done for the Capes, it had brought me luck. I passed in front of three university professors. The questions flew, real bursts of machine gun fire on the subjects of sociology, economics and political science.”

This performance completed, Cloé Vanacker’s life resumes its course. She is on a school trip to Spain when results day comes. “I didn’t have time to stress. The display is from first to last place, when the page opened on my computer, I immediately saw my name, I was first. » A wave of emotion takes hold of Cloé, she has succeeded in her bet. Alone ? ” No way ! », she is quick to correct. “I was lucky to have a very understanding companion, during these two years of intensive preparation, he was always at my side. I say it bluntly, it’s a joint success, we had this competition together. »

Now, Cloé Vanacker is not hiding her pleasure, while looking further ahead. “I am happy in this high school, the team is very close-knit, there is a great atmosphere, for now, I am staying here. Later, I will look carefully at teaching in a preparatory class.”



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