Death of Princess Lalla Latifa, mother of King Mohammed VI

Death of Princess Lalla Latifa, mother of King Mohammed VI
Death of Princess Lalla Latifa, mother of King Mohammed VI

Here is a press release from the spokesperson of the Palais Royal:

“In the name of God the Clement, the Merciful,

Prayers and Peace be upon the Prophet, His family and His companions,

The spokesperson for the Royal Palace announces, with immense sadness and deep affliction, the death of HRH Princess Lalla Latifa, may God have her in His Holy mercy, this Saturday 22 Dou Al Hijja 1445 AH corresponding to June 29, 2024 , wife of His Majesty King Hassan II, may God rest his soul, and mother of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist and preserve Him, and Their Royal Highnesses the Princes and Princesses.

By announcing this painful…

loss, we pray to the Almighty to surround the late deceased with His infinite mercy, divine clemency and to welcome her into His vast paradise, to grant long life to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God preserve Him and perpetuate His glory.

On this painful occasion, Panorapost presents its sincere condolences to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to Their Royal Highnesses the princes and princesses, as well as to all members of the royal family. We implore the Almighty to grant the deceased His mercy and His approval, to make her enter His vast Paradise, and to give her family and loved ones patience and comfort.

We belong to God and to Him we return.”



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