This medium-sized town is trying to make a place for itself near Montpellier

This medium-sized town is trying to make a place for itself near Montpellier
This medium-sized town is trying to make a place for itself near Montpellier

After four years of work, the city centre of Lunel in Hérault has been transformed. This is good news for shopkeepers, but also for the municipality, which is counting on attracting new residents thanks to this new dynamic.

Streets closed to traffic, plants, restored facades, and trendy new boutiques. It’s not all over yet, but the city centre of Lunel has begun its resurrection.

“The city centre was dead, that’s why there is this metamorphosis project with a real commitment from the population to take back this heart of the city which is important to all the people of Lunel”rejoices Paulette Gougeon, assistant for works at the town hall.

Fifty million euros have been invested in this facelift. The faces of the residents show the fatigue of four years of work.

We suffered a lot, but it was worth it!

Marine Minaud, trader

For Marie-Thérese Séverac, president of the downtown merchants’ association, the resumption of activity of her association is a relief after four years of work: “QWhen you can’t get through to enter your shops, your delivery people can’t come either, because there’s always work in the middle, we can’t drive… Yes, it was a very difficult period and our shopkeepers suffered.”

A blessing in disguise according to these shopkeepers. Cours Gabriel Peri, the main artery in the heart of the city, has also had its dose of oxygen. It is now pedestrianized, planted with trees and in the process of gentrification.

With very attractive property prices and a new city centre, Lunel has what it takes to attract a new young population and compete with Montpellier.

Written with Olivier Brachard.



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