Where is the colossal Gallo-Roman amphitheater project at?

Where is the colossal Gallo-Roman amphitheater project at?
Where is the colossal Gallo-Roman amphitheater project at?

Pcomfortably seated in the shade, the small group of visitors listens attentively to Marion Del Sant. It must be said that her story is particularly fascinating. A heritage architect at Sunmetron, the young woman is supervising the progress of the restoration work on the Gallo-Roman amphitheater in Saintes (over 5.4 million euros), which began in March 2022 with the Sanavivaria or Gate of the Living, the eastern entrance to the building that emerged from the ground in the 1is century of our era.


“We have just completed a large part of the work on the Porte des Vivants and its adjacent spans,” the professional explained on Tuesday, June 25. “We restored all of the courses to protect the masonry and its core from water infiltration. We structurally consolidated all of the spans attached to the Porte and on which we had quite significant problems.” In particular, it was necessary to create a waterproofing screed in fibrous lime. “And put back in place rubble,” adds Anthony Baudry, from the Hory-Chauvelin company. We also had to find the right mix of lime-based mortar, to get as close as possible to the original.”

Not forgetting the work of consolidating the building, made up of a succession of arches. “We had to resume the thrusts while keeping the reading of the ruins,” says Marion Del Sant. Flat metal irons were used to ensure these structural thrusts.” In each pile, there were two pins that go up to two meters deep. A job that was far from being a simple matter.

Phase 2 early September

As we know, the construction site has experienced multiple delays due to the wildlife that needs to be protected (falcons, thyme blues and midwife toads) as well as multiple floods over the last two years. “It required a lot of adaptation and adjustments,” adds the architect. For example, a biocide that was supposed to be used on the cladding was banned to protect the wildlife. “So the greening will be faster, but the City has planned a green brigade to maintain the site.”

Marion Del Sant, heritage architect, and Anthony Baudry, from the Hory-Chauvelin company, explain the various challenges encountered on the Saintes amphitheater construction site.

E. L./ SO

The second phase of the work concerns the west gate, the Gate of the Dead (Libitinensis), located on the Lacurie Street side. “There is a huge component that concerns the structural consolidation of the bottom of the gate where there are a lot of landslides at the bottom, it is really not safe,” continues Marion Del Sant. The idea was to come and build a retaining wall at the bottom of the gate and to fill in this cavity that is constantly collapsing. Except that we are on a site that has a very important archaeological and historical richness so we have to play with these constraints. Currently, we are in the process of finalizing the execution studies for this work.”

Work on the Porte des Morts is expected to begin in September and be completed – if all goes well – by the end of the year.

Jean-Christophe Sounalet/SO

The chosen scenario is to build this wall using the arch as a stop element. “We have to build a wall without founding it because we can’t touch the ground where the central sewer and the secondary collector are located. If all goes well, this work will start at the very beginning of September.” And finish before the end of the year, if the team is not faced with a new hazard…


It will then be the turn of the third phase with the sanitation of the site. The studies are still in progress. The choice of a lifting pump which would return the water to the rainwater network remains, for the moment, the preferred scenario.

Recently, a discovery was made. A portion of a paved viaduct was unearthed above the Porte des morts and “its architecture is foreign to the amphitheater”. Two weeks ago, a team of archaeologists from the Department and Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research) came to carry out excavations. New proof that this place has not yet revealed all its secrets.

Under this tarpaulin is the excavation site of the recently discovered viaduct.

E. L./ SO

Long live Saintes

The Porte des vivants will be the center of attention on Thursday, August 15 for its inauguration, during the second edition of Viva Saintes (August 15 to 17), as part of the Sites en scène. For three days, the city will live in the Gallo-Roman era. The public will be able to participate in the construction of the ancient city… On Thursday, August 15 and Friday, August 16, at the Saintes amphitheater, an equestrian and pyrotechnic show will be given. Paying by reservation at the tourist office (05 46 74 23 82 – [email protected]). Information on the amphitheater on 05 46 97 73 85.



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