Saint-Paul buys the land of its future town hall

Saint-Paul buys the land of its future town hall
Saint-Paul buys the land of its future town hall

Municipal Council. Announced since 2021, the project to build an administrative center that would bring together all municipal services in a single site has reached a new stage. Saint-Paul elected officials validated, Thursday in the municipal council, the purchase of part of the former Gabriel Martin Hospital Center. A plot of 3000 m2 must be acquired from Ocidim, a subsidiary of Vinci which bought the former hospital to build offices, housing and shops there. The town hall thus granted it a building permit on June 7.

The financial package will allow Saint-Paul to pay the cost of the plot, approximately 1.1 million euros, in ten annual installments to the Public Land Establishment.

This future administrative center aims to centralize around twenty municipal services distributed throughout the city center of Saint-Paul. “We cannot continue with such dispersed services. We must absorb this sprawl,” stressed Mayor Emmanuel Séraphin, while recalling that proximity to residents is ensured by the various annex town halls present in the catchment areas.

The current town hall will benefit from a major renovation. 2.3 million will be invested in reinforcing the floor on the first floor and creating a “boardroom 2.0”, the redevelopment of the ground floor, the extension of the staircase for the future development of the roof…


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