A trade fair to promote local employment, this Thursday, in Montrouge

A trade fair to promote local employment, this Thursday, in Montrouge
A trade fair to promote local employment, this Thursday, in Montrouge
The Déclic’Emploi fair will take place at the Beffroi de Montrouge. © DR

Avis job seekers, employees in retraining and project leaders. The Déclic’ Emploi fair, dedicated to recruitment, entrepreneurship and work-study programs, will take place this Thursday, May 11 at the Beffroi de Montrouge (from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Organized by the Vallée Sud – Grand Paris region, Vallée Sud Emploi and the City of Montrouge, this fair aims to help professionals in the region recruit and enable residents of the urban areas of southern Paris to find a job near their homes.

The show will welcome companies, training centers and employment partners from the eleven cities of Vallée Sud – Grand Paris (Antony, Bagneux, Bourg-la-Reine, Châtenay-Malabry, Châtillon, Clamart, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Le Plessis-Robinson, Malakoff, Montrouge and Sceaux) who will come with recruitment and training offers in several sectors of activity, from early childhood to personal services, including catering, transport, banking, IT, etc.

Among the companies expected: Accor, Atol, BNP ParisBas, Club Med, GRDF, La Poste, Lidl, Orange RATP, Schlumberger, Thalès and Veolia. The show will also offer workshops on advice and support for job searches and business creation as well as conferences (on themes such as the feminization of jobs, jobs in the Olympic Games, etc.) led by experts.

More information on the website www.ville-montrouge.fr

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