Gérard Depardieu affair: Brigitte Bardot has a strong opinion, “all this is…”

Gérard Depardieu affair: Brigitte Bardot has a strong opinion, “all this is…”
Gérard Depardieu affair: Brigitte Bardot has a strong opinion, “all this is…”

A living legend of French cinema, Gérard Depardieu has seen his public image severely tarnished in recent months. Indeed, the actor has been accused by several women of rape and sexual assault. Some have even filed complaints, which led to his indictment by the courts. Since then, his acting career has been at a standstill.

Friday June 28, 2024, Brigitte Bardot gave a long interview to Paris
as part of a special issue published that day. During this interview, the famous actress was notably questioned about the #MeToo movement. Conducting this interview, the journalist Christian Brincourt precisely took the case of Gérard Depardieu as an example by evoking a “collective denunciation“.

Brigitte Bardot: “It’s ridiculous, decadent, uninteresting. All of this is very sad…”

“It’s ridiculous, decadent, pointless. All of this is very sad…”, replied Brigitte Bardot. The latter is not the only actress to have been questioned about the Gérard Deparidieu affair. On May 29, 2024, Sylvie Testud also spoke about the actor’s case during the show Figaro at Night. As a reminder, she starred alongside him in films such as The kid, or even
Love your father.

“It’s horrible because it’s painful for us too.
[…] Gérard Depardieu, I made several films with him. He is a man I adored, with whom I laughed a lot. With me, nothing ever happened, which does not prevent what the girls say from certainly being true.
But it hurt me a lot. I fell off my chair.”declared Sylvie Testud.

Emmanuel Macron: “I am a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu. He is a huge actor”

“I am a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu. He is an immense actor. He made France, our great authors, our great characters known throughout the world.”for his part indicated the President of the Republic,
Emmanuel Macron
during his appearance on the set of the show C à vous in December 2023 on France 5.

Extremely criticized after this media outing, the head of state finally qualified his remarks concerning Gérard Depardieu. “There is no complacency in me, just a desire to respect our principles, such as the presumption of innocence. These same principles which will allow justice to rule next October and that is a good thing“, he assured.



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