Eloise Appelle discusses the consequences of chemotherapy and explains her absence from social networks

Eloise Appelle discusses the consequences of chemotherapy and explains her absence from social networks
Eloise Appelle discusses the consequences of chemotherapy and explains her absence from social networks

Suffering from breast cancer, Éloise Appelle regrets her former dynamism and abilities. Exhausted by chemotherapy, Nacca’s partner and Valentina’s mother talks about her extreme fatigue and apologizes for her absence to her Instagram followers.

In late February 2024, Éloise Appelle learned she had breast cancer. Just two weeks later, the season 7 finalist of Apprentice adventurers revealed his diagnosis to his Instagram subscribers. At the age of 26, Valentina’s mother goes through chemotherapy and learns to be patient despite her desire to move and live at a thousand miles an hour. This Sunday, June 30, the Instagram influencer published a message and a video story on the social network to apologize and explain her absence to her subscribers.

I’m really flat“: Éloise Appelle talks about the consequences of chemotherapy which undermines her daily life

“Hello, sorry for my absence these last few days, I’m really flat… The post-chemo symptoms persist and I won’t hide from you that it’s starting to be morally heavy to be like that… As soon as I regain a little energy, I get exhausted at the slightest activity… But hey, normally it’s the home stretch“, wrote the young woman who was delighted, at the beginning of April, to have finished with the heaviest treatments. “I think you understand but it’s true that it’s not fun to follow someone who posts stories, who then doesn’t post any more… given the circumstances, I have no other choice . So thank you for your messages, for your support because it means a lot to me, and it’s only a matter of time before I can share lots of stories with you and share my daily life with you. I hope I can get back to my routine a little soon“, continued Eloise Appelle in a video.

I feel a little off” : Éloïse Appelle confides that she is in a hurry to regain her dynamism

And otherwise, basically I was at my parents’ house, and I spent the day with them, and in fact I spent the afternoon sleeping“, she says before explaining that originally, she wanted to go vote with her parents and do some activities with them but that she was so tired that she ended up sleeping all afternoon “I hope it gets better in the next few days, I am someone who likes to move, who is always going from left to right, doing lots of things… I like to be dynamic and there it is true that I feel like a little extinguished. So I know it’s temporary but I admit that it’s a little hard to feel weak, to not be able to do anything and everything, it’s a little hard on my morale“, finally concluded Nacca’s companion.



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