The “Open Letter from an Angry Youth” filmed by young people from the Baratte socio-cultural center in Nevers

Eight young people from the Youth Sector (aged 14 to 18) at the La Baratte socio-cultural center in Nevers collectively imagined a video entitled “Open letter from an angry youth” in the face of the rise of the far right.

“Will we still be able to dance after July 7?” This is the question that concludes the video, imagined and produced collectively, during the week of Monday June 17 to Friday June 21, by eight teenagers from the Youth Sector (aged 14 to 18) of the La Baratte sociocultural center, accompanied by their facilitator, Zoher Azzouzi.

“A call to action”

Through this Open letter from an angry youththese young people wanted to “draw attention to the worrying rise of the extreme right in France” and provoke “awareness”, explains one of the participants.

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Residents of Courlis appear on the screen. “We wanted to make the voices of minorities heard,” she continues. The values ​​of openness and tolerance are defended. This video is also intended to be “a call to action,” without giving a voting instruction.

The video was notably relayed on Facebook (Young Courlis Médio Sector). To date, it has more than 700 views.

Linda Marteau



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