Does Deschamps play his place with the Blues?

Does Deschamps play his place with the Blues?
Does Deschamps play his place with the Blues?

DEBATE – Is the coach playing for more than just reaching the quarter-finals of Euro 2024 this Monday (6 p.m.) in Düsseldorf? A question that divides the editorial staff of Figaro.

No, Deschamps does not play his place against Belgium

Certainly, the boat would rock hard if it went off track in the round of 16 of the Euro. Given the quality of play displayed since the start of the competition, the attitude of the coach, his tactical orientations or the content of his speech so far, his position would necessarily be weakened. Especially since there is a certain Zinedine Zidane in the waiting room. But Didier Deschamps has already demonstrated his ability to bounce back.

We thought he was lost, in the doldrums after Euro 2020 (played in 2021) and we saw him masterfully lead his troops at the 2022 World Cup, all the way to the final. Did Philippe Diallo confirm this before the start of the European Championship? Promises only bind those who believe them… The president will not, however, dare to eject a monument of the magnitude of Deschamps, vice-European champion in 2016, world champion in 2018 and vice-world champion in 2022 .

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In summary, yes, an elimination against the Belgians would represent a failure, that is clear and simple, no doubt about it. But everything nevertheless suggests that the coach will push until 2026 for the World Cup. Unless he decides to leave of his own accord… Above all, nothing indicates that the candidates for his succession would do better in the future or that they have done better so far at the European Championship.

SEE ALSO – Griezmann, Barcola and the Blues at the gym on the eve of the round of 16 against Belgium


Let’s remember that France has had to deal with several crippling injuries or players lacking rhythm (Rabiot, Tchouaméni, Konaté, etc.), not to mention the case of Kylian Mbappé, and that it is not “DD’s” fault if France is incapable of developing ball players in midfield. The only one is Antoine Griezmann, and he learned his trade… in Spain. In short, despite what looks like a fiasco, Deschamps has earned the right to continue to be considered the man for the job and so he is not playing his head against Belgium. The best thing would be to pass to avoid having the answer. (CR)

Yes, Deschamps plays his place against Belgium

If Noël le Graet had still been at the head of the FFF, the question would not arise. Didier Deschamps was certain not to fear for his future in the event of elimination in the round of 16 of the Euro against Belgium on Monday. Since the resignation of the Breton leader, with whom he maintained mutual trust, the coach of the Blues must report to Philippe Diallo.

Let us say it clearly, the relations between the two men are cordial and respectful, but incomparable to those between DD and NLG. For example, the boss of the Blues does not appreciate Diallo inviting himself to snacks or pre-match chats.

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However, the current president of the French football federation, who is trying to put the Blues in the best conditions, admitted to Le Figaro last March that Didier Deschamps would continue his mission until 2026, the date of the end of his contract , whatever the result in Germany. But behind the words, what about the actions?

In the event of elimination in the round of 16, the wave of criticism will fall on the France team and its coach. After 12 years of presence, some will demand his departure, with the desire to see Zidane, who is just waiting for that, succeed him. What will Diallo do in these conditions? Strengthen Deschamps even if it means appearing as a powerless leader in the eyes of public opinion or offer the possibility of establishing his authority by enthroning the icon of an entire country? With presidential elections at the FFF at the end of the year, all options are on the table…

(BD in Düsseldorf)



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