Digital Foundry weighs in on the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond debate on Nintendo Switch or Switch 2

Digital Foundry weighs in on the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond debate on Nintendo Switch or Switch 2
Digital Foundry weighs in on the Metroid Prime 4: Beyond debate on Nintendo Switch or Switch 2

Various comments have emerged regarding Metroid Prime 4: Beyond following its presentation during yesterday’s Nintendo Direct. Fans were visibly surprised to discover that the game, still in development, would be released in 2025. Additionally, many found the game to be impressive, perhaps even too impressive for the Switch’s capabilities.

However, there should be no doubt regarding the platform of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, since Nintendo confirmed that the game was indeed planned for the Switch. This doesn’t rule out the possibility of a release for a future console, but according to trailers and press releases, Nintendo has made it clear that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond was intended for the Switch. Despite this, the quality of the visuals has led some to think that Nintendo may have a trick up its sleeve.

To clarify the situation, IGN consulted the technical experts at Digital Foundry for their analysis. Although Nintendo has the final say, Digital Foundry also believes that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is indeed a Switch game. According to them, “all elements indicate that this game works on the original Switch”. Their conclusion is based on an in-depth analysis of the trailer and the various technologies observed.

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will it be available on the successor to the Switch? The future will tell. For now, Switch owners can rejoice knowing that they’ll be able to play Samus’ next adventure without having to invest in a new console.



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