OpenAI launches critical GPT to fix GPT-4

OpenAI launches critical GPT to fix GPT-4
OpenAI launches critical GPT to fix GPT-4
CriticGPT pour corriger GPT-4?

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) continues to show its limits, but is constantly trying to overcome them. It is with this in mind that OpenAI has just unveiled CriticGPT, a new AI model designed to spot errors in the code generated by GPT-4. This breakthrough could mark a turning point in improving the quality of large language models, a major challenge for the AI ​​industry.

Based on GPT-4 and trained using the RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) framework, CriticGPT has demonstrated significant performance, according to its designers. Also according to OpenAI, users assisted by CriticGPT to review code generated by ChatGPT outperform those without assistance in 60% of cases, an appreciable improvement in the accuracy and reliability of the code produced.

A rigorous training process

The development of CriticGPT involved an intensive training process on a large dataset of code containing errors. Human trainers were used to deliberately insert errors into the code and provide feedback examples, thus simulating the detection of real errors, according to the paper.

This approach allowed CriticGPT to develop an increased ability to identify problems in AI-generated code. The results are interesting: CriticGPT was 63% more effective than ChatGPT in detecting errors, a substantial improvement that could have major implications for AI-assisted software development.

Persistent limitations

Despite these promising advances, CriticGPT is not without limitations. The model has been primarily trained on short code strings and has not yet been tested on long and complex tasks, which could limit its usefulness in real-world development scenarios.

Additionally, like many AI models, CriticGPT is not immune to the phenomenon of hallucination, sometimes generating factually incorrect answers. These challenges highlight the need for continuous improvement and rigorous evaluation before any potential integration into mainstream development tools.

Future prospects

Although OpenAI has not announced immediate plans to make CriticGPT publicly available, its development opens up exciting prospects for improving existing AI models. He also points out in passing that generative AI is often synonymous with “bug to the core”!

The potential integration of this technology into ChatGPT could significantly improve the quality and reliability of AI-generated code, benefiting the developer community and the technology industry as a whole. In the meantime: be careful with AI, which must always be subjected to a critical eye, driven by natural human intelligence.


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