We need to place grandpa! | Le Journal de Montréal

We need to place grandpa! | Le Journal de Montréal
We need to place grandpa! | Le Journal de Montréal

We can think what we want about Trump, that he is vulgar, a liar, obscene, narcissistic, dangerous, ignorant, odious (all of that is true), the fact remains that the man, if he is no longer young, still exudes a certain virility, a strength of character.

This is what his fans like about him.

He has a “grip”. An iron fist in an iron glove. The good seed of a dictator.

So, to compete against this modified Pontiac Firebird, what did the Democrats choose?

An old Oldsmobile that chokes after two kilometers.



It will be said that Biden has a good track record and an excellent program.

But who reads party programs before voting?

We choose the people who govern us like we choose our cereals. Not by reading the back of the box (“Hey, this cereal contains riboflavin and pyridoxine, it’s good for you!”), but by relying on the mascot on the front.

The Cheerios Bee. The Nesquik Bunny. The Frosties Tiger. The Froot Loops Toucan.

Not forgetting Cap’n Crunch.

Would you choose a turtle as your football team mascot?

The worst part is that the Democrats knew they were going to drive a lemon in the Daytona 500.

They tested the car. They saw it go.

Confusing Macron and Mitterrand, rushing into the scenery or talking to his deceased son.

And he’s the one they chose?


“To fight the ignorant, we will take a quasi-senile.”

And it’s supposed to be the largest democracy in the world.



Being a young American, I would be discouraged.

“And it’s one of these two old men who is going to make decisions that my generation will have to live with for years to come?”

I’m not being ageist, I know full well that there are wise old men and young fools, you just have to look at what’s happening on university campuses to see that, but admit that we miss the time when Kennedy brought a breath of fresh air.

Let’s just say, to be polite, that these two aren’t the most inspiring elders – or, as my son says, “the penguins who slide the farthest.”

This lack of succession speaks volumes about the state of health of American democracy.

It looks like a photo of the leaders of the USSR at the height of the Cold War, all huddled together to keep from falling.

No wonder the country is going backwards.


If the Democrats bite the dust in the next election, they will have asked for it.

Now they’re trying to put the denture glue back in the tube by pressuring Joe Biden to step down.

Too late, the damage is done.

Making a man who was convicted of 34 counts of fraud look good is something you have to do!

The Democrats sacrificed the future and security of their country so as not to bruise the bruised ego of a weakened octogenarian who refused to see that he was no longer the man for the job.

Shame on them.



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