Nanocrystalline cellulose to restore and preserve works of art

* This article is a special collaboration between Rémy Dreyfuss-Deseigne and CelluForce Inc. This text contains content from the writings of Rémy Dreyfuss-Deseigne and content authored by CelluForce Inc.

Nanocrystalline cellulose has several useful properties, including its high mechanical strength and purity, its high crystallinity, its biodegradability and its compatibility with a wide range of materials. These properties make nanocrystalline cellulose a promising material for use in the conservation of works of art and more particularly on works and graphic documents produced on paper supports, which are abundant in museum collections. Whether they are thin papers, tracing paper, gelatin sheets or certain polymers, the materials which compose them are fragile by nature and very often present recurring structural alterations which can pose numerous problems, particularly when the works are manipulated, consulted or exposed.

Rémy Dreyfuss-Deseigne, Restorer of the Graphic Arts heritage and graduate of the INP and the École du Louvre (Paris, France) succeeded in developing during his research thin and transparent films composed of 100% nanocrystalline cellulose and also nano composites. These make it possible to play the role of protective coverings, consolidation material and also filling (gaps). These films can be applied to works of art to repair them but also to protect them from environmental factors such as humidity, UV light and pollutants. These coatings can help prevent degradation and fading of artwork over time.

Nanocrystalline cellulose films therefore have numerous advantages, such as:

  • great intrinsic stability;
  • remarkable transparency properties;
  • a fineness and significant resistance of the material;
  • good compatibility with work papers; And
  • good stability during aging.

In addition, new methods have recently been developed allowing the direct use of nanocrystalline cellulose gel for the consolidation of graphic documents, such as the repair of tears or the consolidation of the pictorial layer.

Finally, nanocrystalline cellulose can be used as a reinforcing agent in materials used for artwork. Thus, adding nanocrystalline cellulose to a paint or varnish can increase its strength and durability, while maintaining its transparency or color. The life of artwork is extended by reducing the risk of cracking, chipping or other forms of damage.

It is clear that the use of nanocrystalline cellulose in the conservation of works of art is very promising, particularly through the development of new materials and non-damaging techniques, thus contributing to the preservation of the world’s artistic heritage for future generations.

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The manufacture of nanocrystalline cellulose films is described by Rémy Dreyfuss-Deseigne in the publications of the Journal of Paper Conservation:

A New Mending Material: Nanocellulose Film – in English only.

Nanocellulose Films in Art Conservation: A New and Promising Mending Material for Translucent Paper Objects – in English only.

More information on nanocellulose films and their applications in art conservation can be found on the website N / ApaNoper.



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