Floods and evacuations in Valais after heavy rains

Floods and evacuations in Valais after heavy rains
Floods and evacuations in Valais after heavy rains

Heavy rain has caused several floods in Valais, Alertswiss reported on Sunday around 6:00 a.m. Evacuations are underway. The A9 motorway is partially closed.

The heavy precipitation caused a rapid rise in the level of the Rhône, specifies the Confederation alert site. It is recommended to avoid any non-urgent travel in the Rhône plain and not to approach the banks of the river.

According to the Confederation’s natural hazard portal, the flood hazard for the Rhone is very high (level 5) between the mouth of the Lonza and the mouth of the Avançon. The flood hazard is level 4 in the areas from the mouth of the Saltina to the mouth of the Lonza and from the mouth of the Avançon to Lake Geneva.

Rail traffic between Lausanne and Brig (VS) is restricted between Riddes and Ardon (VS) due to flooding, indicate the Federal Railways (CFF) on their online site. Disruptions are expected to last until at least 8:00 a.m.

Floods in Ticino

The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) announced on its website the closure of the access road between Täsch (VS) and Zermatt (VS). The rail connection between Visp (VS) and Andermatt (UR) is also interrupted, according to the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn

In Ticino, a call to evacuate homes near the Maggia River was issued early Sunday morning for residents of Parto-Sornico and the Maggia Valley. Several floods have been reported in the area after heavy rain, according to Swissalert.

In Geneva, the precipitation was less powerful than announced by MétéoSuisse. The police did not intervene, but the firefighters carried out around twenty operations, they indicated in a press release released late Saturday evening.

The Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss) had predicted thunderstorms, sometimes violent, for late Saturday in the west and northwest of Switzerland, but also in Valais and Ticino. Several cantons issued warnings of rain, lightning, hail and gusts of wind, but also floods.

The cantons of Geneva and Vaud banned outdoor events on Saturday afternoon and evening, including fan zones for the Euro football championship. Lausanne swimming pools were closed from 2 p.m.

Bad weather hit the southwest of Switzerland during the night from Saturday to Sunday, bringing a lot of water: Floods occurred in Ticino and Zermatt, the Rhône in Valais quickly swelled.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats



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