Photobiomodulation: The power of light on the skin

Photobiomodulation: The power of light on the skin
Photobiomodulation: The power of light on the skin

If light could talk, it would shout “Goodbye wrinkles, hello radiance!” That’s a bit like what photobiomodulation promises! Imagine a treatment that doesn’t sting or burn, but that makes your skin glow like never before. You don’t need a magic wand, just a few light sessions. Plus, it doesn’t hurt, I promise!

Reduce wrinkles

Photobiomodulation stimulates mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of our cells, thereby increasing the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy for our cellular functions. This stimulation accelerates the renewal of skin cells and thus allows for smoother and more radiant skin. As Dr. Thomas Breuneval, FMH specialist in radiation oncology, points out: “Regular sessions can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines, making the skin visibly younger and fresher.” The man who happens to be at the head of the PBM Center in Montreux alongside his partner Philippe Borms adds that PBM stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, proteins essential to the firmness and elasticity of the skin that decrease over time, causing sagging skin and wrinkles. Opting for PBM therefore helps to strengthen the structure of your skin, making it firmer and more toned.

Reduce inflammation

“Skin inflammation, whether due to chronic conditions like eczema or psoriasis, or temporary irritations, can be significantly reduced with PBM,” the doctor explains. Near-infrared light penetrates deeper into the tissues, calming inflammation and promoting rapid recovery. Redness and swelling are visibly reduced.

Optimize hair growth

Thomas Breuneval also explains that photobiomodulation helps combat alopecia by stimulating hair follicles and increasing ATP production, thus prolonging the hair growth phase. It also improves blood circulation to the scalp, bringing more nutrients and oxygen to the follicles. Finally, PBM protects against oxidative stress, strengthening existing hair and promoting the growth of new hair.

Accelerate healing

For those with scars, PBM may be a solution. By increasing blood circulation and promoting tissue regeneration, this therapy helps speed up the healing process. “Scars, whether from acne, surgery or injuries, become less visible. The skin returns to its normal, even appearance more quickly.”

Good to know: How does a photobiomodulation session take place?

Photobiomodulation is based on decades of scientific research. First developed to treat chronic pain and promote tissue healing, it quickly showed promising results in dermatology. During the session, the patient sits comfortably while the targeted area (face, body, other, etc.) is exposed to specific lights.

Red light penetrates up to 10 mm under the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting healing. Blue light, which penetrates up to 2 mm, is effective against acne by eliminating bacteria. Near-infrared light reaches up to 25 mm deep, improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation. A session generally lasts between ten and twenty minutes and costs 95 francs. Painless and non-invasive, it allows you to resume your normal activities immediately.

PBM Center, Grand-Rue 3, Montreux.



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