Visit of the head of the Army to the Swiss troops in Kosovo

Sunday, June 30, 2024 – 0:09

On June 27 and 28, 2024, Corps Commander Thomas Süssli, head of the Army, will travel to Kosovo for a visit to the troops carrying out a military peace promotion engagement. On this occasion, he will also meet with the Commander of the Kosovo Force KFOR, Major General Özkan Ulutaş.

During his visit to the troops, the Chief of the Armed Forces would like to receive an overview of the current situation in the Balkans. He will take the opportunity to talk to the Swiss military personnel deployed there and gather impressions of the various services provided for the KFOR mission. Since March 2024, the Swiss Armed Forces has increased its contribution to the KFOR multinational transport company. A bilateral meeting with the KFOR Commander, Major General Özkan Ulutaş of the Turkish Armed Forces, is also planned.

The head of the Army will be accompanied by National Councilor Marionna Schlatter and National Councilor Hasan Candan, both members of the Security Policy Commission of the National Council, as well as by representatives of the army.

Military peace promotion in the context of international engagements is one of the three missions of the Swiss Armed Forces. Currently, around 300 women and men from a wide range of ranks are committed to peace in 18 countries.



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