COLLEGE DES EPONTOTS: The college students loved RAID UNSS 71

It will undoubtedly be renewed during the next school year. In any case, this is the wish expressed during the General Assembly of the UNSS which was held Thursday evening at the Epontots college.

Nathalie Szoc, Principal of the college, welcomed Moumen Achou, Deputy Delegate for Sport at the municipality of Le Creusot, André Esling, Councilor Delegate at the Epontots college, representing the municipality of Montcenis and Mrs. Fanny Barale, parent of a student. Vincent Verneau and Maxime Ducroux, PE teachers and UNSS facilitators detailed the activity and financial reports for the year 2023-2024.
For the current year, the number of graduates increased to 60 compared to 58 the previous year, or approximately 23% of the college’s students. 39 boys including 5 adults and 21 girls took out a license, the price of which remains unchanged at €20. 5 students were young officials, in charge of organization or refereeing. The activities offered were basketball and badminton on Monday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., futsal from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and handball from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, outdoor physical activities (APPN), mountain biking, climbing, running. orientation and kayaking with 10 licensed students on Wednesday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and multi-activity on Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. The time slot between 1 and 2 p.m. allows young people who go to the school canteen to participate in the activities offered.

The students took part in the departmental cross-country and orienteering championships. On Wednesday, September 13, 7 students discovered or rediscovered kayaking during an introduction to Lake Montaubry thanks to equipment loaned by the Claudie Haigneré high school in Blanzy. Basketball and badminton have 13 licensees but there was no participation in the competitions. Futsal has 12 licensees who took part in the district championships, handball 13 and multi-activities 15.
For next season, the association wishes to perpetuate the practice of climbing at the Jean Macé gymnasium with the Léon Blum high school. And of course the UNSS Raid which took place this year in Uchizy from May 27 to 31 should be repeated in a location to be defined.
10 licensed student volunteers took part. 300 students from numerous colleges in the department spent 4 days together in Uchizy. Basic camping and outdoor sports activities on the program, mountain biking, climbing, hiking and kayaking. Beautiful memories for all the young people and their companions. A slideshow made it possible to realize the success of this 2024 edition despite the weather not always being good.
The general assembly ended with thanks to the town of Le Creusot for the grant allocated and the loan of tables and benches for the RAID, to the OMS of the town of Le Creusot and to the town of Torcy for the loan Paddock tents for the RAID and the provision of the Lac gymnasium for sporting activities.





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