The weather of Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surroundings

The weather of Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surroundings
The weather of Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surroundings

This Wednesday, June 26, Villefranche-sur-Saône will wake up to cloudy weather, but temperatures will be warm. The weather will be mostly clear during the first half of the day. At dawn, the thermometer will indicate 19°C, and will gradually rise between 6 a.m. and midday to 27°C. The wind will move around 15 km/h, and its direction will fluctuate. 45 km/h can be exceeded in bursts.

Overall, the sky will be mainly overcast during the second part of the day. The wind force will remain between 15 and 25 km/h, while the mercury will continue to rise between noon and 2 p.m. to reach 30°C. The wind could reach 60 km/h in gusts. Wind direction will be variable during this interval.

In the evening, the wind will increase to approximately 25 km/h around 9 p.m., then drop suddenly towards the end of the evening to reach approximately 15 km/h. In bursts, it can reach 45 km/h. Its orientation will be inconsistent during this time slot. The sky will still be overcast. The thermometer will drop to 25°C around midnight.

At night, the mercury will continue to drop between midnight and 6 a.m. to reach 21°C, while the wind force will still vary between 15 and 20 km/h. It will be in the South sector, before turning to the South-East at the start of the night. The weather will be generally clear.

Tomorrow will be mostly clear, with thunderstorms and drizzle in the evening. Temperatures will be almost the same as today: rising to 25°C on average, their maximum of 29°C will be reached from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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