Dax expected to rise at opening

Dax expected to rise at opening
Dax expected to rise at opening

On Wednesday, the Dax should start the session higher, according to calculations by banks and brokerage houses.

Developments in Volkswagen shares will be in the spotlight after the Wolfsburg group announced investments in an automotive software joint venture with US electric car maker Rivian. The day before, the downward revision of Airbus’ targets and the new flop of Merck’s studies had darkened the mood on the European stock markets and caused the flagship German index to fall by 0.8 percent to 18,178 points.

In the morning, investors will focus on data from the German household sentiment survey in July. Experts polled by Reuters expect consumer sentiment to improve further. According to GfK and the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (NIM), it recently reached its highest level in two years. Many specialists point out, however, that consumers are still worried and that they will probably only gradually dare to spend more. Stock traders will also monitor speeches by a number of ECB representatives at a Finnish central bank conference during the day.

In the evening, banking supervisors at the Federal Reserve will release the results of the annual stress tests of major US banks. This time, 32 establishments were subjected to the periodic stress test. Among them are Wall Street financial giants JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. Analysts expect all financial institutions to have capital above minimum regulatory requirements.

Closing price of the European level

Equity indices and

-Futures mardi

Dax 18.177,62

Future Dax 18.409,00

EuroStoxx50 4.935,97

Future EuroStoxx50 4.971,00


Closing price of the stand Variation in

US Indices Tuesday Percentage

Dow Jones 39 112,16 -0,8

Nasdaq 17 717,65 +1,3%

S&P 500 5 469,30 +0,4%


Asian Indices Price at 07:00 Variation in

Wednesday Time Percentage

Nikkei 39 635.85 +1.2%

Shanghai 2.940,59 -0,3%

Hang Seng 18,063.16 -0.0%

(Reporting by Stefanie Geiger, written by . For questions, please contact our editorial team at [email protected] (for politics and economics) or [email protected] (for businesses and markets).



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