8-year-old girl found “dead in her bed”, these details of her mother’s profile that are worrying – Closer

8-year-old girl found “dead in her bed”, these details of her mother’s profile that are worrying – Closer
8-year-old girl found “dead in her bed”, these details of her mother’s profile that are worrying – Closer

It was a sad discovery that was made in an apartment in Colmar, in Haut-Rhin, this Sunday, June 30. Police responded at 10:40 a.m. after receiving reports that a woman was screaming and throwing objects out of a window. The latter, aged 30, is the mother of an eight-year-old girl. As indicated
France Blue Alsaceonce they arrived on the scene, the police had to use their electric shock pistols. Their aim was to control the thirty-year-old, whose condition was worrying. Once the latter was on the ground, the body of her daughter was found in her bed. But what happened?

The investigators’ first hypothesis is the mother’s guilt. Jean Richert, the Colmar prosecutor, quickly spoke. Several hypotheses, not only criminal, are being examined by investigators,”

he began before continuing: “There are many question marks and this woman is presumed innocent, great caution is required.” Although she is the main suspect, the mother shows signs that make police custody incompatible.

Little girl found dead: what happened?

The investigators’ goal is to find out what happened to the girl. To do this, an autopsy will be performed. “There are indications of injuries to the face and chest, the origin of which remains to be confirmed. We cannot yet conclude on a specific cause of death.”said Jean Richert. Thanks to these analyses, the medical examiner will be able to provide details on the child’s death. “It will be a question of characterizing the lesions in more detail, of determining what caused the death,
and to compare these elements with the mother’s explanations, when she can be heardthe prosecutor said.

The mother was briefly taken into custody for voluntary homicide aggravated by two circumstances: by an ascendant and on a minor (under) 15 years old. However, her mental health is not compatible with police custody and she has therefore been hospitalized in a psychiatric unit. For Jean Richert, several hypotheses are possible. “To this day, it is particularly appropriate to ask whether this woman could have killed her daughter in a fit of rage,” he confided before specifying:
“Or if she could have had a decompensation after discovering that the little girl was dead. This is one of the hypotheses to be studied”.

Mother, main suspect, hospitalized

An investigation that promises to be difficult. In addition to having to solve the death of a little girl, investigators must discover if her mother is responsible for her death. According to the media, it was the neighbors, worried by noises coming from the home, who alerted the emergency services. Once on the scene, the police tried to establish contact with the mother who was not receptive. According to a source close to her, she was described as being “in crisis, confused and delusional.” Presumed innocent, she is subject to a measure of compulsory hospitalization in a psychiatric unit.



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