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The most liveable city in 2024 is…

The most liveable city in 2024 is…
The most liveable city in 2024 is…

The ranking, compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, is based on various criteria, including culture and environment.

It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The cradle of romanticism and the eternal capital of the Habsburgs, Vienna seduces with its culture, but also its living environment. To the point of having been elected “most pleasant city to live in the world”, according to the list established by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), an organization in conjunction with the British weekly The Economist. Every year, it analyzes 173 cities around the world and ranks them according to 30 criteria, divided into five categories: stability, health, culture and environment, education and infrastructure. For the third consecutive year, the Austrian capital occupies the top of the podium.

“The Imperial” distinguished itself in particular on the criteria of stability, health care, education and infrastructure. The only small drawbacks: in terms of culture and environment, where “There is still progress to be made,” notes the EIU. The reason is a lack of major sporting events. It still gets a score of 98.4 out of 100. Rounding out the top five are Copenhagen, which maintains its second place, Zurich, which drops from 6th to 3rd this year, Melbourne, which drops one place, then Calgary, in Canada, and Geneva, both fifth. Next in the top 10 are Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka, in Japan, and Auckland, in New Zealand.

Paris out of the top 20

“Although still at the top of our rankings, the two largest Australian cities (Sydney and Melbourne) have fallen amid significant declines and a lack of housing availability. For similar reasons, Toronto (Canada) has dropped out of the top 10 (it is in 12th position) after two years.”explains the Economist Intelligence Unit. Western Europe shines in its quality of life, coming out on top in four categories, while North America stands out in education.

What about France? Paris has moved up slightly to 21st place, tied with Berlin. A fairly stable score, given that the capital will soon host the Olympic Games. But still much better than the ranking of the happiest cities, where the French capital did not even appear in the top 250. For its part, New York is virtually treading water at 70th place, while Tel Aviv, in Israel, has lost twenty places (112th place), due to the war that began on October 7 between the Jewish state and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Damascus, Syria, ranks lowest, at 173rd. The Syrian capital, plagued by civil war and regular airstrikes, scores 30.7 out of 100. That’s nearly 10 points below the world’s second-worst city: Tripoli, Libya. “After years of civil war that destroyed their economies, both cities score very poorly on stability and have seen no improvement on the issue of livability.”concludes the EIU.

Top 10 Most Liveable Cities in the World
1. Vienna (Austria)
2. Copenhague (Danemark)
3. Zurich (Suisse)
4. Melbourne (Australie)
5. Calgary (Canada) / Geneva (Switzerland)
7. Sydney (Australie)
8. Vancouver (Canada)
9. Osaka (Japan)
10. Auckland (New Zealand)



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