Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Leu (97416) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Leu (97416) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Leu (97416) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – What are the postponement scenarios for the Nupes vote in Saint-Leu?

While the Nupes had marked the last legislative elections, but did not last more than two years, it is the Popular Front which is advancing this time. Which adds confusion to the left-wing vote today. In the European elections, the Glucksmann list reached 12.14% in Saint-Leu. But we can on the other hand reassess this result at 40% for the left for this first round in the commune, the share of votes of the leader PS-Place Publique being to be increased with those of the LFI list of Manon Aubry (19.35 %), the ecologist Marie Toussaint (7.32%) and finally the communist Léon Deffontaine (2.1%). Nupes was also absent during the last legislative elections in Saint-Leu. However, it was a left-wing candidate, labeled Divers gauche, who took the top step in the first round, with 48.83% of the ballots. The left, however, was defeated in the second round since it was Thierry Robert (Various center) who won

18:42 – In 5 years, the National Rally has not made any progress in Saint-Leu

Elections follow one another and sometimes are not the same, but some conclusions are still necessary. In Saint-Leu, it can be noted that the RN did not progress during the European elections between 2019 and 2024, with Jordan Bardella recording 26.49% during the previous European vote and 26.5% on June 9. This underperformance differs from what was clearly evident at the national level, with around 8 points gained for the RN between the 2019 European elections and this June’s election.

15:31 – A 26.5% in the national average for Bardella in Saint-Leu three weeks ago

Returning to the earthquake of June 9 also seems obvious to us when anticipating the election this Sunday, June 30. It is in fact the list led by Bardella which won the 2024 European elections in Saint-Leu, with 26.5% of voters ahead of the list of Manon Aubry with 19.35%, and Raphaël Glucksmann with 12.14% .

14:32 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon in front of Macron and Le Pen in Saint-Leu during the presidential election

The inclination of the inhabitants of a city is often most reflected in the results of the election of the head of state. A rare thing: the RN had registered more voters on average in the first round in the legislative elections two years ago in Saint-Leu than Marine Le Pen in person during the presidential election. She had accumulated 20.47% in the first round there. In order, we nevertheless found Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead with 46.16%, followed by Marine Le Pen with 20.47% and Emmanuel Macron with 15.44%. Marine Le Pen even finished ahead of Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 58.24% against 41.76%).

12:32 – Data from the last elections, an indication for the 2024 legislative elections in Saint-Leu?

The National Rally was defeated in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections in Saint-Leu, with 4.63% of the vote, while the Miscellaneous Left candidates obtained 48.83% of the vote. In the second round, the RN also failed, this time leaving first place to the competitors labeled Miscellaneous Center with 45.59% against 54.41% for the winners. Thierry Robert therefore maintained his lead on site.

11:02 – Influence of demographic factors on the elections in Saint-Leu

At midday of the legislative elections, Saint-Leu is full of diversity and activities. With its 34,893 inhabitants, this city presents itself as a symbol of openness. Its 3,008 companies attest to a flourishing entrepreneurial activity, while its social fabric is made up of 9,740 families, reflecting a diverse community. In the city, 21.53% of residents are children, and 4.39% are over 75, which can have an effect on political priorities, particularly with regard to education and health. The 240 foreign residents, representing 0.69% of the population, contribute to this cultural plurality. With an average monthly net salary of €2,174.75/month, the city reveals a percentage of unemployment of 34.0%, synonymous with a tense economic situation. In Saint-Leu, where those under 30 make up 39% of the population, the elections are an opportunity for a future in communion.

09:32 – Return to abstention during previous legislative elections in Saint-Leu

How do the citizens of this urban area most often vote? During the European elections in June 2024, 76.3% of people old enough to take part in an election in Saint-Leu avoided the polls. Abstention was 73.09% 5 years ago. For the record, in the agglomeration, the percentage of abstention in the 2022 legislative elections amounted to 64.44% in the first round and only 58.92% in the second round. What will happen this year in Saint-Leu? As a reminder, across France, the abstention rate in the 2022 legislative elections stood at 52.49% in the first round and 53.77% in the second round, which was more than in 2017.

08:02 – Polling stations in Saint-Leu: opening hours

Following the decision to dissolve the National Assembly by the Head of State, legislative elections will take place on Sunday, June 30 and July 7, 2024. The last time Jacques Chirac dissolved the Assembly in 1997, this led to cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What are the forecasts for this year? Among the lists present in the 7th constituency of La Réunion, who will succeed in obtaining the most votes in Saint-Leu (97416)? The 36 polling stations in the city of Saint-Leu (from Hotel de Ville Ville 1 to Ecole Maternelle Plate 3) are open until 6 p.m. to allow citizens to make their choice. To find out the results in Saint-Leu, go here at 8 p.m.



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