Montbéliard. At Hellfest, the Fallen Lillies have revenge to take

Montbéliard. At Hellfest, the Fallen Lillies have revenge to take
Montbéliard. At Hellfest, the Fallen Lillies have revenge to take

Any rock or heavy metal band would dream of one day being on the bill at Hellfest. The largest metal festival in Europe (240,000 entries) which takes place from Thursday to Sunday in Clisson (Loire-Atlantique), welcomes musical monsters like Metallica, Machine Head and the Foo Fighters.

The Montbéliardaises of the Fallen Lillies will also be there, for the second time in their career, after an almost surprise appearance in 2019. The heavy rock group, 100% female, will play again on the Warzone, a stage on which Body Count and Suicidal Tendencies.

Interview with Hélène Schmitt, the singer of the Doubien group.

A few days before returning to Hellfest, how are the Fallen Lillies feeling?

“We are vengeful. In 2019, we were propelled onto the Warzone scene without really having been prepared for it. Our concert had not lived up to what we wanted to do. We worked a lot to be there for this very special scene. »

There have been developments in the meantime. Do you feel better equipped to play?

” Oh yes ! In fact, Hellfest in 2019 was ”the first time” in a great series. It opened great doors for us. We’ve come a long way, with great scenes, like the Eurockéennes de Belfort and also the release of an album ( No master for Lilly , 2021). We have been able to evolve well. This weekend we will play a 30 minute set. That’s how it is at Hellfest, it’s very explosive timing. So we planned a different set than usual, with even a little exclusive of our album which is in preparation. »

Exactly, when should it come out?

“Normally, we will record it at the beginning of next year and it will be available for the start of the 2025 school year. This year, we planned to do very few dates, to devote ourselves to the album. It’s never very easy to meet up every week to rehearse at the Atelier des Môles in Montbéliard. We can’t do everything at once: our jobs, rehearsals, concerts and preparing an album. We limited ourselves to half a dozen dates to work on the album. But we had concert offers that were close to our hearts, including Hellfest… What group could refuse to play there? ! After this date, we will devote a good part of the summer to the upcoming album. »



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