Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024

Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024
Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024

New things coming to the daily lives of the French. The arrival of July is accompanied by changes. The wallets of millions of people are going to take a hard hit. The average price of the gas bill will rise.

The benchmark rate will increase by 11.7% in July compared to June. According to estimates from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), a household’s annual bill including tax is would now amount to 1,184 euros, compared to 1,060 euros per year in June.

A change will concern the housing whose surface area is less than or equal to 40 square meters. The method of calculating the DPE (energy performance diagnosis) will change from July 1. According to the Ministry of Economy, the modification of this rule will allow “a certain number of these small areas to be removed from the category of ‘energy sieves'”.

The beginning of July marks the arrival of a tnew savings product for young people. “The future climate savings plan” is aimed at those under 21. It can be opened as soon as the child is born. Its ceiling is set at 22,950 euros.

New for our supermarket purchases and for our cars

LAnti-shrinkflation display in supermarkets will become mandatory this Monday July 1st. All supermarkets of more than 400 square meters in France will have to inform their customers when products on the shelves have seen their quantity drop without their price decreasingThe idea is to allow consumers to know precisely the evolutions of weight and price.

Unemployment insurance benefits will be increased by 1.2% on July 1. This increase “would concern around 2 million compensated job seekers” out of around 2.7 million in total, according to Unédic. Certain recipients of less than six months are not affected.

New vehicles will be equipped with new equipment. They must now be equipped with an information and speed adaptation system. For example, if you drive too close to a car: automatic braking is triggered. This automatic device, which aims to reduce accidents, was optional and will now be mandatory.

The amount of the contribution to the Guarantee Fund for victims of acts of terrorism and other offences increases by 0.60 euros from July 1. It will be increased to 6.50 euros per property insurance contract (car, home, etc.).

The new “France Ruralités Revitalisation” zoning arrives on July 1st. This system aims to strengthen the attractiveness of rural areas and will benefit 17,700 small municipalities in France. Companies that set up there will be able to benefit from exemptions from income tax, business property tax and property tax on built properties.

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