Traffic restrictions worry in Paris, a federation calls for change

Streets with schools, low emissions zone (ZFE), limited traffic zone (ZTL), Paris is seeking to drive cars from many of its streets. It is also this last element, the ZTL, which has recently worried the National Passenger Transport Federation (FNTV).

The ZTL aims to prohibit transit traffic within a certain perimeter. However, tourist coaches, even electric ones, will be affected by this ban. A decision with a “profoundly unfair, inconsistent and discriminatory character (…) from Paris City Hall”, according to FNTV.

Thus, from October 2024, this ZTL “will prohibit access of tourist coaches to the center of Paris, with the exception of rare accesses, such as the Louvre parking lot”, we read in a press release from the organization. She denounces the fact that “the concerns of those involved in coach transport have not been sufficiently taken into account”. Even though “the FNTV nevertheless took a constructive position to rationalize flows and strengthen controls on traffic and coach parking in Paris”.

The ZTL unites against it

And the FNTV recalls that survey results show “that more than 40% of stakeholders are unfavorable to the ZTL”. It is therefore clear “that the decision of Paris City Hall does not reflect a consensus”.

It is not the justifications from Paris City Hall that will change this. The latter thus evokes “reasons of over-occupancy and general interest”. Inconsistent elements, according to the FNTV, since “the circulation of delivery trucks and taxis” is permitted “without limitation”.

Insufficient alternatives for tourist coaches

However, Paris town hall offers alternatives. This with parking lots dedicated to tourist coaches. “Insufficient” and “inadequate” solutions, according to FNTV. This doesn’t fit.”to the needs of coaches in terms of configuration and access to vehicles and passengers”.

This ban is added, moreover, “to the reduction in the number of parking spaces for coaches, the upcoming closure of the Bercy Seine bus station and the establishment of the Greater Paris low-emission zone”. So many elements worrying these tourism professionals.

For all these reasons, “FNTV calls on Paris City Hall to reconsider this decision”. This is in order to “find balanced solutions”. Without this, the entity fears that “this decision risks diverting tourist flows towards other more welcoming European destinations and weakening performance venues, businesses and services which depend on the influx of tourists transported by coach”.

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To sum up

The exclusion of cars in Paris, via a future limited traffic zone, worries tourism professionals. The latter point the finger at Paris town hall and inconsistencies in its decision. And to demand change.




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