The Belgians have “no seum”, but…

The Belgians have “no seum”, but…
The Belgians have “no seum”, but…

Paul Rouget, Media365: published on Tuesday July 2, 2024 at 11:03 a.m.

The Belgian press looks back at the elimination of the Red Devils against the Blues in the eighth finals of the German Euro (0-1). With a lot of criticism for the coach Domenico Tedesco after this defeat against the “executioners” of the Belgians.

A “painful” elimination. After the Red Devils’ defeat against the Blues on Monday evening in Düsseldorf (0-1), on an own goal by Jan Vertonghen in the 85th minute, the Belgian press spoke of a “tearful assessment” for this “new wave” which leaves a “feeling of waste”, as explained by the RTBF. For its commentator Vincent Langendries, however, we must not “burn” the coach, Domenico Tedesco, who tried bold choices against the French team, with a resolutely offensive tactic and a Kevin de Bruyne positioned further back. “The game plan for this match against our neighbours was interesting, surprising and clear at the same time. Of course De Bruyne would have been more dangerous a notch higher. But this plan was assumed by the whole team, including the captain. And if it had worked, everyone would have applauded, timidly or not, at the end of the ball”, he believes.

“No worries, just a little too much cruelty”

But not everyone is so magnanimous with a young Italian-German technician (38 years old) who is much criticized across the Quiévrain. “It’s good to want to innovate, but it didn’t work. There was a match within the match with Deschamps and it’s Deschamps who comes out the winner”, thus believes the former international Philippe Albert in Le Soir. A daily newspaper which considers that the Blues are the “executioners of two generations of Red Devils”, while La Libre Belgique judges that they are “the bête noire of Belgium”. For La Dernière Heure, “French cynicism once again eliminates Belgium”, “as usual”. And there is “no seum, just a little too much cruelty”. The Dutch-language press wrote: “The Red Devils are returning home without much fanfare. Holding out for 85 minutes against the French is good, but after a mediocre group stage, this European Championship did not meet the expectations of the Belgians”, recalls the Nieuwsblad, which also explains that “the cause of this meager Euro should not be sought in this match against France”.



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