2024 legislative elections in Haute-Garonne: “Antivaxxers, conspiracy theorists and RN voters are the same”, assures Dr. Jérôme Marty

2024 legislative elections in Haute-Garonne: “Antivaxxers, conspiracy theorists and RN voters are the same”, assures Dr. Jérôme Marty
2024 legislative elections in Haute-Garonne: “Antivaxxers, conspiracy theorists and RN voters are the same”, assures Dr. Jérôme Marty

the essential
Doctor in Fronton, where the National Rally candidate obtained 39.5% of the votes, Jérôme Marty reacts to the results of the legislative elections. The general practitioner “Big mouth” on RMC calls for a union of republicans. Interview.

How do you read the results of the legislative elections in the department?

I see that the rise of the RN has been slowed by the new Popular Front, as in the whole of the South-West and in Brittany. These votes in favour of the extreme right are first of all a fed-up feeling among the French, a suffering and a feeling of abandonment. All these things translate into an individualistic and selfish vote. We do not look at the collective consequences. The extreme right is not a republican party, it is a racist and xenophobic party. Bringing it to power is opening the unspeakable. All the extremes will designate the other as a scapegoat but at some point the other is us.

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Do you put the far left and the far right on the same level?

Within the NFP, there are a number of candidates who have promoted anti-Semitism. This is a crime, it is not compatible with France.

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Do you think it is possible to imagine a coalition that would go from the left to the right?

If there is one thing we ask, it is that political wisdom emerges before July 7. Politicians must stop looking at their personal careers and focus on the general interest. What is needed is a hemiplegic union of the Republican left and the Republican right. But is it feasible? Is it utopian?

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Do you include France Insoumise?

Not all those who have promoted anti-Semitism are in the Republican field. The others are welcome. I hope that people will unite and stand together. There have been continuous and repeated failures on the part of the government. Today, it is time for unity. It is not nothing to be French.

You have been the target of antivax and conspiracy theorists. Do they form part of the RN voters?

They are the same. Antivaxxers are very frequently on the far right. The RN program proves it, particularly in the freedom to prescribe.



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