The strike continues at La Poste despite the outline of an agreement

The strike continues at La Poste despite the outline of an agreement
The strike continues at La Poste despite the outline of an agreement

After five days of mobilization, the unions of La Poste announce that they will continue their strike this Monday. A memorandum of understanding was negotiated on Friday evening, but there are still stumbling blocks on the cost of living allowance and pensions.

The La Poste unions have announced that they will continue their strike action on Monday, July 1. Mobilized since Wednesday in front of the Kawéni sorting center, they are demanding better working conditions and better pay. Negotiations nevertheless seem to be progressing with management: an end-of-conflict protocol was sent on Friday evening.

“It was the subject of a debate with the base, who mandated us to request that the missing elements be taken into account,” indicate Sud PTT and the CGT May Poste in a press release. Two subjects remain to be negotiated, such as the cost of living bonus of 150 euros per month. “We will not give up on this point, because other overseas postal workers have had it since 2009.” had already stated Said Anli, the departmental secretary of the CGT May-Poste.

The other area of ​​contention is the payment of retirement pensions. Agents are being forced to retire“, without the files for receiving pensions being finalized explained Mounir Mogne, the departmental secretary of Sud PTT. The unions’ proposals were sent back to management”for advice and validation, the only condition for ending the strike.



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