“What Not to Wear’s Stacy London reveals she now embraces her lesbian identity

After coming out to the LGBTQ+ community in 2019, former What not to wear Host Stacy London finally accepts labels.

The 55-year-old star began dating partner Cat Yezbak in 2018, and did so publicly a year later in a New Year’s Eve post on Instagram where she wrote: “So I was dating men . Now I’m dating her.

But this week, when asked how she identifies at an American Ballet Theatre event premiering Woolf Works, she explained why she now calls herself a lesbian.

“I want to say lesbian because there aren’t enough of us,” she said. Us Weekly“It’s not just one type of lesbian culture. I want people to see the whole spectrum, and that’s why I identify as such. »

London has spoken about feeling unapologetic about her sexuality despite the limitations she felt growing up.

“I came out at 48. I love that people can say the words pansexual, bisexual and it’s a spectrum,” she explained. “In the 50s and 60s there was none of that. When I was young, there weren’t any of those words that made people feel seen.

She also praised the younger generation for breaking down barriers within the queer community.

“You have Gen Z breaking all the systemic rules and me, Gen X, breathing a sigh of relief thinking we had to be straight and perfect,” London said. “It was just, ‘Be like a duck, calm, where everyone can see, then wiggle underneath.’ Now I feel like we can embrace our identity universally, without fear and without shame.

London has taken this message to heart and has been living loud and clear with her partner Yezbek for over five years now, including walking the red carpet together and going on a double date last year with actress Sophia Bush and soccer star Ashlyn Harris.

“A lot of people in this country don’t understand that we’re more bound by fear and shame when we make all of our decisions, and if you take that out of the equation, there’s a lot of love there,” London continued.

As for whether the two are ready to get married, London replied: “Maybe!” We talked about it, we’ll see.

We’d love to see some wedding bells in the cute lesbian couple’s future!



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