Massar N’Diaye and Céline Maglica call for support for Océane Godard for a united Côte d’Or

Massar N’Diaye and Céline Maglica call for support for Océane Godard for a united Côte d’Or
Massar N’Diaye and Céline Maglica call for support for Océane Godard for a united Côte d’Or

The departmental councillors of Côte-d’Or, Massar N’Diaye and Céline Maglica, expressed their commitment to the inhabitants of their canton and their support for the candidate of the union of the left, Océane Godard, in a press release.

« Our fight as departmental elected officials is that of the residents we meet every day in our canton, it is that of our territory, the Côte d’Or. At your side and in our interactions, we measure your anger and your incomprehension when your daily problems struggle to find solutions. And, if a feeling of abandonment has set in, it seems essential to us to remind you that useful answers to your concerns can only be based on collective work. »

N’Diaye and Maglica denounce the values ​​of the extreme right, stressing that ” The rejection of the Other, the desire to implement a discriminatory society and to attack the weakest because they are different characterize the DNA of the extreme right. And it cannot lay the foundations of a society of doing-together and being-together. »

They say they are committed and attentive, striving to respond to citizens’ problems with the values ​​of the Republic. The union of the left carries this ambition. And even if it is imperfect and continues to agitate certain reflections, it appears to us as the path to take to establish a true social justice and reestablish an order where each citizen must find his place in society whether he lives in our cities or in our countryside. »

In conclusion, the two advisors affirm their support for Océane Godard: “ Because you trust us and because it is urgent to stand up against the populism of the extreme right, we will vote for the candidate of the union of the left: Océane Godard. »

Press release from Massar N’Diaye and Céline Maglica dated July 2, 2024:

Our fight as departmental elected officials is that of the residents we meet every day in our canton, it is that of our territory, the Côte d’Or.

Alongside you and in our interactions, we measure your anger and your incomprehension when your daily problems struggle to find solutions. And, if a feeling of abandonment has set in, it seems essential to us to remind you that useful answers to your concerns can only be based on collective work.

The rejection of the Other, the desire to implement a discriminatory society and to attack the weakest because they are different characterize the DNA of the extreme right. And it cannot lay the foundations of a society of doing-together and being-together.

Committed, combative and attentive, we strive to respond to your daily problems with the values ​​of the Republic firmly in our hearts.

The union of the left carries this ambition. And even if it is imperfect and continues to agitate certain reflections, it appears to us as the path to take to establish a true social justice and reestablish an order where each citizen must find his place in society whether he lives in our cities or in our countryside.

Because you trust us and because it is urgent to stand up against the populism of the extreme right, we will vote for the candidate of the union of the left: Océane Godard.

Céline Maglica – Massar N’Diaye
Departmental advisors of Côte-d’Or
Canton Dijon 6



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