Here are Jean-Baptiste Aldigé and the Gave family again, back in Pro D2

Here are Jean-Baptiste Aldigé and the Gave family again, back in Pro D2
Here are Jean-Baptiste Aldigé and the Gave family again, back in Pro D2


Anthony Tallieu

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 10:17 a.m.

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Jean-Baptiste Aldigé did not take long to find the right shoe for him. According to information from South Westconfirmed by other media, the former president of Biarritz Olympique will take the head of the Directory of Stade Niçois freshly assembled in Pro D2.

He would form a pair with the current strong man of the Riviera club, Régis Brandinelli, who would for his part be president of the supervisory board. Aldigé would bring with him the Gave family, already at his side at the BO as a shareholder. Brandinelli declared a few weeks ago to - Rugby that accessing the Pro D2 would make things easier for him regarding the economic development of his club. He was clearly not wrong.

Nice’s budget will increase by 30%

The arrival of the Aldigé media supported by the Gave would indeed allow Stade Niçois to have a completely different financial surface, with a forecast budget which would increase from 6.5 to 8.5 million euros. That’s a substantial increase of 30%. Anything but trivial since it would then be located in the “richer” half of the Pro D2 clubs.

Translation of this new economic capacity, Nice would have, again according to Sud Ouest, attached the services of the Samoan third line of LOU Jordan Taufua (32 years old). A dominant player in the Top 14 and certainly an excellent pick for the South-East club.

Nice, an attractive economic area for Aldigé and the Gave family

He will need it to try to stay in Pro D2 next season. An ambition which, if achieved, will evolve upwards with the arrival promised by the mayor Christian Estrosi after the National final of a stadium with a capacity of 10,000 seats within 2 years, more adapted to the requirements of Pro D2 than the small Arboras stadium (3,000 seats).

The stadium, a major subject of tension between Jean-Baptiste Aldigé and the town hall of Biarritz, which had led the Agenais and the Gave family to throw in the towel. The assets of the 5th largest city in France led them to dive back in.

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