Parents of the Jean-Moulin school in Évreux are mobilizing against a closure

Parents of the Jean-Moulin school in Évreux are mobilizing against a closure
Parents of the Jean-Moulin school in Évreux are mobilizing against a closure


Charles Giovacchini

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 5:08 PM

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“The school needs you!” Informed of the closure of a class and the loss of an ATSEM position, Monday June 24, during a school council meeting, the representatives of the parents of students of Jean-Moulin school have no intention of letting this happen.

All the more so since at the start of the 2023 school year, 256 students were enrolled in the school, which also temporarily accommodates the children of migrants awaiting accommodation (21 during the 2023-2024 school year).

Taken “before even knowing the numbers for the start of the school year” and without taking into account the arrival of children during the year, this decision “forces management to reorganize the composition of classes in order to reduce the numbers per class” indicated the representatives of the parents of pupils.

As a result, a new dual-level CP-senior kindergarten class must be created, which will, in effect, lead to the elimination of a specialized territorial agent position for kindergartens (ATSEM). “The town hall ofEvreux was questioned, but her response was unequivocal: we are already lucky to have three ATSEMs, she does not want to put ATSEMs in mixed nursery/elementary classes.

The announced closure results in the loss of a specialized territorial agent for nursery schools (ATSEM). ©Charles GIOVACCHINI
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Children in difficulty penalized

A choice by the municipality contested by parents who oppose that the senior classes remain kindergarten students “whose autonomy and biological rhythm are not the same as in CP”. “We need the ATSEM to support them in their learning, and ensure their safety and their smooth acclimatization in this new phase of their schooling”, plead the parents. And to add that the elimination of this position will penalize the entry of two children into the self-regulation system “which nevertheless has proven itself in the inclusion of children with behavioral disorders!”

Mobilized before the final decision is made on the first day of school, after a final count that does not take into account the contingent of migrant children who arrive during the year, the representatives of the parents of students are counting on the support of the families. “Please help us” they concluded before wishing a good fair to the parents gathered in front of the school gates.

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