The Der is 93% full, the Marne is taking its ease in Saint-Dizier (UPDATE)

The Der is 93% full, the Marne is taking its ease in Saint-Dizier (UPDATE)
The Der is 93% full, the Marne is taking its ease in Saint-Dizier (UPDATE)

The values ​​of the 2013 flood were beaten on the night of Monday to Tuesday. At 3:45 a.m. on July 2, 2024, the Marne rose to 3:15 a.m., as predicted. At 11:41 a.m., the river level remains very high. According to Vigicrues forecasts, it should still be around three meters shortly after 10 p.m.

The Haute-Marne department remains on orange alert.

Update (5:20 p.m.): This Tuesday, at midday, the Marne, along the promenade, below the Deauville footbridge in Saint-Dizier, completely overflowed, reaching part of the obstacle course, inaugurated on Friday June 28, and requiring the closure of the promenade over a hundred meters.

“It was already this high when it overflowed like this in the summer of 2020,” assures Tony Vaglio, deputy mayor, who came to take photos on site. The level of the river is being monitored very closely by the authorities, given the floods that have affected the entire department in recent days. According to the government website Vigicrues, based on data collected at the “hospital” station (the old site, along the Jard), the Marne should rise another 10 cm by Wednesday, July 3, at 3 p.m., to reach a height of 2.31 meters.

Update (2:40 p.m.): By prefectural decree dated July 1, the Haute-Marne prefecture authorized the Seine-Grands-Lacs establishment to “release” water downstream from Lake Der at a flow rate of 180 cubic meters per second. A previous authorization – at 140 m3/s – had been granted on Sunday. The measure was taken due to a filling rate of 93% of the capacity of Lake Der-Chantecoq, while a flow rate of more than 300 m3/s was expected at Chamouilley.

Update (2:55 p.m.): In Joinville, where the situation was “critical” last night, the situation is slightly decreasing. This is evidenced by these two photos taken a few hours apart in the same place in the city center, near the old post office.



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