Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: at what time can I consult the results of the first round?

Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: at what time can I consult the results of the first round?
Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: at what time can I consult the results of the first round?

This article was written by the editorial staff and automatically declined.

Find on our dedicated pages the candidates in your constituency and, on June 30 from 8 p.m., the results of the first round of the legislative elections in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and throughout France.

In Indre-et-Loire there are 5 different legislative constituencies. On June 30, 2024, in Indre-et-Loire, 31 candidates are competing for 5 seats in the National Assembly.

Elected, re-elected or in a runoff, the scenario for the second round will soon be outlined for each of the constituencies of Indre-et-Loire.

When will the results of the first round for Tours, Joué-lès-Tours and Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire be available?

Sunday, June 30, from 8 p.m., we publish the detailed results of the election for each municipality and each constituency. In Indre-et-Loire, find the scores in cities such as Tours, Joué-lès-Tours and Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire.

The candidates in the first round in the 1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire

According to the Ministry of the Interior, in the 1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which includes the municipality of Tours only, the contenders for the deputy seat are:

  • Thomas JOUHANNAUD (Far left)
  • Lisa GARBAY (National Rally)
  • Arnaud OSSART (Reconquest!)
  • Benoist PIERRE (Together! (Presidential majority))
  • Alain DAYAN (Various left)
  • Charles FOURNIER (New Popular Front)
  • Lucas JANER (The Republicans)

Candidates in the first round in the 2nd constituency of Indre-et-Loire

In this constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which includes among others the communes of Amboise, Montlouis-sur-Loire and La Ville-aux-Dames, 6 candidates are presenting themselves to the citizens in order to represent them in the National Assembly:

  • Daniel LABARONNE (Together! (Presidential majority))
  • Christelle GOBERT (New Popular Front)
  • Corine FOUGERON (National Rally)
  • Philippe SAINTIGNAN (Reconquest!)
  • Anne BRUNET (Far left)
  • Maxime MAINTIER (The Republicans)

Candidates in the first round in the 3rd constituency of Indre-et-Loire

According to the Ministry of the Interior, in the 3rd constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which includes among others the municipalities of Saint-Avertin, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps or Chambray-lès-Tours, the contenders for the seat of MP are:

  • Christophe LEGENDRE (Far left)
  • Henri ALFANDARI (Together! (Presidential majority))
  • Emmanuel FRANÇOIS (Miscellaneous)
  • Xavier BOURIN (Reconquest!)
  • Jules ROBIN (Union of the Far Right)
  • Amin BRIMOU (Divers)
  • Sandra BARBIER (New Popular Front)

Candidates in the first round in the 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire

In the 4th constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which includes among others the communes of Joué-lès-Tours, Ballan-Miré and La Riche, 5 candidates officially presented themselves for this election:

  • Fabienne COLBOC (Together! (Presidential majority))
  • Kévin GARDEAU (Far left)
  • Sophie LAGRÉE (The Republicans)
  • Laurent BAUMEL (New Popular Front)
  • Jean-François BELLANGER (National Rally)

Candidates in the first round in the 5th constituency of Indre-et-Loire

In this constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which includes the municipalities of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Tours and Fondettes, 6 candidates are standing before the citizens to represent them in the National Assembly:

  • David BILLON (Reconquest!)
  • Constance BALES (The Republicans)
  • Christine DELARUE (Far left)
  • François DUCAMP (National Rally)
  • Marina COCCIA (New Popular Front)
  • Sabine THILLAYE (Together! (Presidential majority))


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