35 original volumes of the Encyclopedia in Perpignan

35 original volumes of the Encyclopedia in Perpignan
35 original volumes of the Encyclopedia in Perpignan

A complete edition, in perfect condition, which will offer direct access to a monumental research work which involved 150 collaborators and produced 72,000 articles over a period of 20 years: ” A colossal and unprecedented research work that lasted 20 years and mobilized the most advanced minds of this century. “, shares the Director of the University Library of Perpignan Etienne Rouziès, with France Blue Roussillon.

« We were very happily surprised, it was an extraordinary proposition for us! What is quite exceptional is to have a period edition, contemporary with the writing of theEncyclopedia by Diderot and d’Alembert “, adds the latter.

A book lover

It was Alfred Sauvy’s son-in-law, John Wilkinson, a former professor at Oxford, who made this generous legacy, a symbol of the spirit of the Enlightenment, between a deep commitment to progress, tolerance and critical thinking.

These volumes will be exhibited to the public on Saturday, October 12 during the Science Festival, allowing everyone to discover this masterpiece of intellectual and cultural heritage.

Domaine public.

Alfred Sauvy, born in Villeneuve-de-la-Raho and buried in Montalba-le-Château, was deeply attached to Roussillon. Our department is unfortunately not the most endowed in France, so it is a very good thing that this collection was donated to the University of Perpignan. “, reacted the economist’s great-nephew, Olivier Poisson, pleased to see this collection bequeathed to the funds of the library of the University of Perpignan.

Trained at the École Polytechnique and the General Statistics of France, the economist was one of the pioneers in the field of demography and social economics. He is best known for having invented the term ” Third World “ in the 1950s, a term he used to describe non-aligned countries during the Cold War that were neither in the Soviet nor the Western bloc. Sauvy devoted his career to the study of populations, their development, and the economic and social implications that flow from them.

In addition to his academic contributions, Alfred Sauvy was also an active commentator on public policy and a critic of government management of economic and demographic issues. Through his numerous writings and interventions, he advocated for better consideration of demographic realities in economic and social planning, and often highlighted the disparities between different parts of the world.

Finally, Alfred Sauvy was a passionate bookworm, who amassed a vast personal library over the years, testifying to his love of knowledge and education.

Domaine public.

Bringing together all the knowledge

The Encyclopedia, or Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Craftswas originally published between 1751 and 1772, and aimed to collect and disseminate the knowledge of the time in a multitude of fields, ranging from natural sciences to arts and technology. Edited by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d’Alembert, the encyclopedia consisted of 28 volumes of text and 11 volumes of illustrated plates.

The work is characterized by a methodical organization into texts, plates, supplements, and tables, all classified alphabetically. The plates, in particular, demonstrate the application of rigorous scientific methods for graphic representation.

The impact of theEncyclopedia was important because it not only served as a summary of all human knowledge systematically classified, but it was also a powerful tool of social and religious criticism. By promoting the ideals of reason, skepticism, and scientific inquiry, the Encyclopedia encouraged the questioning of traditions and established authorities.

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This ambition often led to tensions with ecclesiastical and governmental authorities, resulting in censorship and bans. Despite this, it managed to exert considerable influence, not only in France but throughout Europe, fueling debates that would lead to social and political revolutions in the following decades.

Domaine Public.

Photo credits: Public domain



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