Results of the legislative elections in Aubagne: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Aubagne: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Aubagne: the 2024 election live

16:12 – An advance of the National Rally in Aubagne at the beginning of June

Looking back on the very last electoral test may seem even more obvious, when analyzing the vote of June 30. Because the result that fell during the elections a few days ago is synonymous with precedent. A few weeks ago, in Aubagne, the National Rally list, led by Jordan Bardella, won, collecting 40.35% of the votes against Manon Aubry at 13.03% and Valérie Hayer at 9.91%. . In detail, 6776 voters were then seduced by the RN in the city.

14:32 – Aubagne voted for Le Pen in the presidential election

The political side of the inhabitants of a city is undoubtedly most visibly reflected in the verdict of the election to the presidency of the Republic. The commune of Aubagne offered a plebiscite to Marine Le Pen at the time of the 2022 supreme election. The RN leader won with 28.72% in the first round. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron came in behind at 24.07% and 20.34% of the votes. Éric Zemmour took fourth place with 10.3% of the votes for his part. For the second round of the election, it was again Marine Le Pen who won with 52.51%, ahead of Emmanuel Macron at 47.49%.

12:32 – What balance during the 2022 legislative elections in Aubagne?

The verdict of the most recent legislative election seems to be a valuable precedent at the time of today’s election. In the 2022 legislative elections in Aubagne, the RN finished in second place on the podium, with 24.4% of voters choosing to trust its partner, compared to 25.66% for Lucas Trottmann (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) in the first round. In the second round, however, it triumphed with 54.13% of the votes, ahead of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union candidates (45.87%). It was thus Joëlle Mélin among the Frontists who finished first on the finish line.

11:02 – Aubagne: when demographic data shapes the ballot boxes

How can Aubagne residents impact the outcome of the legislative elections? In the urban area, 17.61% of residents are children, and 9.38% are over 75 years old. The age distribution could influence policy directions, particularly in terms of education and health. The rate of households with at least one car (74.9%) highlights the importance of transport and environmental issues in the questions of the 14,868 citizens with a voter card. Finally, the presence of an immigrant population of 9.91% and a foreign population of 5.68% indicates the challenges of migration and integration policies in the country. Data on education in Aubagne highlight a diversity of qualifications, with 18.07% of residents holding only a baccalaureate. This, combined with income statistics, can influence concerns about the country’s policies on education and employment.

09:32 – It’s time to vote in Aubagne: participation at the heart of concerns In Aubagne, what participation in the previous legislative elections?

How do voters in this city usually vote? During the last European elections, the abstention rate represented 50.06% of voters in Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône), compared to an abstention rate of 53.41% 5 years ago. As a reminder, in the city, abstention in the 2022 legislative elections was 55.83% in the first round and only 56.56% in the second round. What will happen this year in Aubagne? In the first round of the last presidential election, 27.66% of those registered on the city’s electoral lists deserted the polls, compared to an abstention rate of 29.62% in the second round.

08:02 – First round of legislative elections in Aubagne: timetables for the 37 polling stations

The 37 polling stations in the Aubagne metropolitan area (from Hotel de Ville Mairie Annex to Ecole de Beaudinard) close at 6 p.m. in anticipation of the count. The first round of the 2024 legislative elections takes place this Sunday across France. This ballot should make it possible to elect the 577 representatives of the Legislative Assembly elected for five years. For the record, the 2022 legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where the head of state was re-elected ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Among the three major forces present, who from the National Rally, the majority coalition, and the New Popular Front will manage to obtain the most votes in Aubagne? To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral roll and to provide proof of identity.



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