for 67 years in the city center, the Falbala lingerie boutique will close

for 67 years in the city center, the Falbala lingerie boutique will close
for 67 years in the city center, the Falbala lingerie boutique will close

The only independent lingerie brand in downtown Châtellerault, the Falbala boutique on rue Colbert, will close its doors for good on July 31, 2024. The end of a long story for this business founded in… 1957!

Véronique Riquin, who has been its manager for nine years, explains that she has “decided to say stop so as not to sink”.

Bourbon Street blocked: the final blow

HAS “the economic situation and the weather are not favorable”, has been added, since April 12, the closure of rue Bourbon at n° 110-112, due to a danger. 

“We are cut off from the world. Like my neighbors, I immediately noticed a collapse in sales, down 37% in the month of May compared to last year”explains the trader, who left her premises on rue Saint-Jean in November 2023 to set up on rue Colbert.

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Véronique Riquin criticizes the City “a lack of communication” in this file. “I’m not asking them to take out the checkbook or solve my problems, they’re not responsible for everything and I wouldn’t want their place. That said, there would have been a need for a large sign to indicate pedestrian diversions and businesses in our neighborhood. The signage is too small. We reported it… We don’t feel listened to. »

Saddened to have to throw in the towel, the fifty-year-old will have to be “reclassified”. In which domain ? “I have several strings to my bow, I’ll see… But especially not in business”replies the one who graduated with a BTS in executive assistant.

Another store closed at the end of July

In the same area, the women’s ready-to-wear boutique Diabolo will also close permanently at the end of July 2024. “The closure of a portion of Bourbon Street for two months does not encourage customers to come”declared the manager in our newspaper two weeks ago.

The subject was discussed at the municipal council on Thursday June 27. “We are all experiencing the situation”Maryse Lavrard said that evening, acknowledging a situation “uncomfortable” for area traders.



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