In the heart of Bordeaux, here are the two new sectors which are becoming pedestrianized

In the heart of Bordeaux, here are the two new sectors which are becoming pedestrianized
In the heart of Bordeaux, here are the two new sectors which are becoming pedestrianized


Enzo Legros

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 9:46 a.m.

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From 1is July 2024 in Bordeaux, the Pey-Berland and Saint-Eloi sectors become pedestrian areas. They will be reserved for pedestrians and cyclists thanks to removable bollards blocking road traffic.

Alone access card holders will have the possibility of entering these 12 new hectares of pedestrian area by motorized vehicle.

Residents of this area and local residents with access to private parking in one of the streets concerned can complete their accreditation request online.

Two other pedestrian sectors from September 1, 2024

In the Pey-Berland sector, automatic terminals are already present in certain places. The new streets integrating the pedestrian sector are the streets Élisée Reclus, Bonnie, Burguet, Ravez, Buhan and Rousselle.

Au 1is September, it will be the Bouffard and Mably districts who will experience the same transformation.

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Bordeaux city hall explains that it wants to “promote and secure soft mobility”, “offer passers-by safe and less polluted spaces” and “reserve access for motorized vehicles to local residents and professionals”.

Intervention and emergency vehicles, delivery vehicles, cleaning service vehicles and “urgent” transport vehicles will of course always circulate in these four pedestrian areas.

Since 2020, the pedestrian area in Bordeaux has increased from 172 to 245 hectares and from 27 kilometers of roads to 40 kilometers today. The City of Bordeaux aims 250 hectares pedestrian area by 2026.

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