The RN’s score and that of the Macron camp inspire a shocking title in this Italian daily

The RN’s score and that of the Macron camp inspire a shocking title in this Italian daily
The RN’s score and that of the Macron camp inspire a shocking title in this Italian daily
Screenshot X “Veni, vidi, Vichy” is the headline of the Italian communist daily “il manifesto” on its front page on Tuesday, July 2.

Screenshot X

“Veni, vidi, Vichy” is the headline of the Italian communist daily “il manifesto” on its front page on Tuesday, July 2.

MEDIA – The Italian press is not kind to France. After learning of the results of the first round of the French legislative elections, foreign media are expressing their concern about seeing the extreme right on the threshold of power. Starting with the Italian communist newspaper the poster.

The daily newspaper founded in 1969 hit hard on Tuesday, July 2, to comment on this French electoral earthquake. With only three words that send France back to its past history. Veni Vidi Vichy “, the newspaper cleverly displays on its front page.

A title that obviously hides a double reference. The first summons the famous Latin expression of the emperor Julius Caesar (” I came, I saw, I conquered “, either ” I came, I saw, I conquered “). The second undoubtedly refers to the Vichy regime, established by the French authorities to ensure the governance of the country when it came under Nazi occupation during the Second World War.

With the profile silhouette of Emmanuel Macron, the message of this front page is unequivocal on the political consequences for the French president after having acted on the dissolution on June 9. By governing, he opened the door to the right. By calling early elections, he opened it wide. And now, Macron remains vague about the withdrawal of his candidates in the face of the New Popular Front. The left with its candidates is “blocking”, but the second round can take France back to its dark past,” writes the newspaper in the introduction to its article.

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And while the rest of its content seems to want to take a relatively neutral look at the issues of the second round, other articles from he manifestso draw up an alarming report on the situation in France. « There are many unknowns, predictions are totally risky “, warns its author, who also underlines the importance of the rapprochement between Éric Ciotti, ” Gaullist “, and Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

“What does this sad character tell us? The pure and simple fact that the French bourgeoisie (and a large part of the European bourgeoisie) is no longer afraid of contemporary forms of fascism.”he adds on the lessons to be learned from the alliance between the LR boss and the French far right.

Italy has legitimate grounds for concern

In France, this front page was received with gravity but also praised by some, who believe that it was able to capture the pulse of this election, as evidenced by the numerous reactions shared online in recent hours.

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« The best title in 48 hours “, we can read in particular on X (formerly Twitter), where many comments recall that the Italian press has very good reasons to worry about France. Due to the arrival in power in 2022 of Giorgia Meloni, herself at the head of a far-right party, born from the ashes of fascism.

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On social networks, other readers or observers of the foreign press highlight the presence of another striking front page, still in Italy.

This is the one from the Milanese daily The paperyet conservative and marked on the right. On July 1, the newspaper chose to headline the president of the RN and self-proclaimed candidate for the post of Prime Minister in the event of an absolute majority on Sunday evening, Jordan Bardella. “The Devil Wears Bardella”thus proposes The paper.

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With the result of the ballot boxes on Sunday, the Italian press – but not only – is closely monitoring the outcome of the July 7 vote, during which the National Assembly could swing to the extreme right and allow the RN to obtain enough seats to govern the country. There is no doubt that this second election night will offer a new opportunity for the foreign press to draw conclusions for the future.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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