Morocco or Spain, Portugal decides on the final!

Morocco or Spain, Portugal decides on the final!
Morocco or Spain, Portugal decides on the final!

While Morocco and Spain are competing in the final of the 2030 World Cup, Portugal, out of the running despite being co-hosts of the tournament, has spoken out on the matter.

It’s no longer a secret to anyone. Morocco and Spain intend to strike a big blow, by hosting the final of the 2030 World Cup which they will co-host with Portugal. In fact, the two kingdoms are using their relationships – France for Morocco, and Real Madrid in Spain – to tip FIFA’s decision in their favor. The fourth place finishers in the last edition in Qatar aim to host the most important match of the centenary in the new Benslimane stadium, currently under construction in Casablanca. On the other hand, the Iberians already ensure that the sophisticated setting of the Santiago Bernabeu, having recently had a facelift, is on pole to host the poster.

An excess of confidence which particularly had the gift of considerably annoying Fouzi Lekjaa, the president of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF). “No decision has been made”, denied the powerful vice-president of the Confederation of African Football (CAF)adding that this choice will have to be validated jointly with Portugal, and that it is only in the event of disagreement that FIFA will decide.

Portugal speaks out

On this subject, what does Portugal say? Asked about Morocco’s chances of winning the final, the president of the Portuguese Federation (FPF), Fernando Gomes, agreed with his Cherifian counterpart. The 72-year-old leader confirmed that no decision has been taken, but also that Morocco has ample means to host the final with its new Benslimane stadium, which will be the largest in the world with a capacity of reception of 115,000 places.

“This is a question that will of course be analyzed. In my opinion, Spain has stadiums capable of hosting the opening match and the final. Morocco too, with the construction of a stadium in Casablanca. (…) The decision concerning the place where the 2026 World Cup final will be played was taken (…) only in 2024 (last February 4, editor’s note). It is an evaluation process. Of course, the characteristics of the stadium and its ability to generate income will be taken into account. This is a decision that will be made after the presentation of the file. But of course, Casablanca, with the capacity that I recognize in Moroccans to carry out very beautiful constructions, meets all the conditions to host the opening match or the final”he said in an interview with Antar Abdelwarit.

For comparison, the new Santiago Bernabeu in Madrid is capable of accommodating up to 85,000 spectators, 30,000 fewer than the giant Benslimane. A major argument in favor of Morocco, in addition to the power of tourist attraction of the Casablanca megalopolis. In the balance, the Spanish capital and the weight of the Madrid myth intrinsically linked to the biggest club in the world, opposes fierce competition.



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