More than 1,600 people at the Lorient Pride March

More than 1,600 people at the Lorient Pride March
More than 1,600 people at the Lorient Pride March

“We are as we are, and we have the right to exist.” Lohan, Lysandre and Eva are participating in the fourth edition of the Lorient Pride March, this Saturday June 29. On Place Glotin, at the start of the afternoon, discussions are going well, and the desire to defend the LGBTQIA + community can be heard in good humor. “No one is going to stop us from loving whoever we want,” concludes the group of friends. More than 1,600 people gathered for the walk downtown, around 3:30 p.m.

Rights under threat

“This demonstration is about human rights, which are more threatened than ever today,” explains Lina and Loëiza, Amnesty International volunteers from Lorient-Quimperlé. “Right now, the situation of the community is very risky in Turkey.” Several human rights awareness stands are held by associations. All denounce one thing: the violence against LGBTQIA+ people, in France and around the world. That same day in Lorient, LGBTphobic tags appeared in several places, and were covered up before and during the demonstration. For its part, the association NousToutes Lorient, present on the square, is hosting an information point on the evolution of women’s rights, and on the definition of sexual harassment.



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