duel between two rounds at the Lencloître fair between Turquois (Ensemble) and Jacquemin (RN)

duel between two rounds at the Lencloître fair between Turquois (Ensemble) and Jacquemin (RN)
duel between two rounds at the Lencloître fair between Turquois (Ensemble) and Jacquemin (RN)

The Lencloître fair is a ritual in the 4e constituency of Vienne during the voting period. The two candidates qualified for the second round of the 2024 legislative elections have not escaped tradition.

Hager Jacquemin (RN) and his team want to capture votes at the fair.
© (Photo NR-CP, Denys Frétier)

Monday morning 1is July 2024, Nicolas Turquois (Ensemble) and Hager Jacquemin (RN) canvassed in the crowded aisles of this centuries-old fair. A seduction operation for the two contenders for a bench in the hemicycle.

“I voted for Mitterrand, now I vote RN”

For the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority (32%), the equation is simple: recover more than half of the votes of the Popular Front candidate who withdrew.

For its part, the Girondin parachute, which came in first (41%), calls “to the useful vote, that of the RN, to give the absolute majority to Jordan Bardella.” We are the alternation »she said, behind her sunglasses.

The RN candidate received a “rather good reception” from the traders at the fair.
© (Photo NR-CP, Denys Frétier)

Traders and customers at the Lencloître market, where the RN was placed in the lead (46.7%), are showing their support for the RN candidate. Excerpts: “I voted for Mitterrand before. Now it’s RN. A vote of adhesion, no opposition! »

Other passers-by more or less sharply refuse the RN leaflet: “Oh no! What a disaster!”, “No, thanks!”, “Sorry, we’re not from here” or “I hope it won’t be like this for the whole market because if I have to take RN leaflets, it won’t work!”

Nicolas Turquois and Hager Jacquemin crossed paths without meeting.
© (Photo NR-CP, Denys Frétier)

Hager Jacquemin rejects the term extreme right for his party. She does not hide her “Tunisian origins”. Of “non-practicing Muslim faith”she says, under the protective gaze of her husband, a police officer. “I call on all patriotic Muslims who are integrated to national unity. »

It is difficult for her opponents to accuse her of being racist. His opponent, the moderate outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, jeans, shirt and white sneakers, understood this well. “Some people carry extremely nauseating ideas”he whispers to a voter, as he passes the RN team.

Farmer Nicolas Turquois has found someone to talk to.
© (Photo NR-CP, Denys Frétier)

“Will it be okay on Sunday?”

At the Lencloître fair, the farmer from Ouzilly-Vignolles (Loudunais) is known and recognized. He knows it. He does not hesitate to play the card of proximity and his roots in rurality, with his team (Valérie Dauge, Henri Colin, etc.) who distribute the leaflets immediately placed in the baskets, between two salads and a bunch of parsley. When asked if he is well, Nicolas Turquois: “A little tense. I need positive vibes. A little drink would do me good. It’s my turn ! »

Nicolas Turquois (Ensemble) “wets his shirt” at the fair.
© (Photo NR-CP, Denys Frétier)

In the alley of squawking chickens, the outgoing MP is thanked by voters for his intervention in certain cases. “Above all, you have to be very mobilized, talk about it to those around you…” he repeats over and over again.

More “It’ll be on Sunday night, yes?” », we ask him in Lencloître’s swarming belly. As they say here in the Landernau, “it’s at the end of the fair that we count the dung”.



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