Olivier Cosson’s photos to escape, while staying in town, in Bihorel, near Rouen

Olivier Cosson’s photos to escape, while staying in town, in Bihorel, near Rouen
Olivier Cosson’s photos to escape, while staying in town, in Bihorel, near Rouen


Normandy Editorial

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 8:06 p.m.
; updated July 1, 2024 at 8:16 p.m.

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For the first time, the Bihorel Town Hall, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime), will be transformed into exhibition room. During the summer holidays, until August 29, 2024, the municipality accepted the proposal of the photographer Olivier Cosson from “Take some fresh air”.

Established in Rouen for 25 years

Originally from Fécamp and living in Rouen for almost 25 years, Olivier Cosson discovered photography when he came of age, “alone, with a small camera, around classic subjects such as landscapes, animals and a few portraits”. Self-taught, he gradually focused on emotion and creativity in the face of technique.

Attracted by street photography

“Today, what interests me is to dissect our times which are changing so quickly. I like street photography with life in it. I need an atmosphere, a silhouette, a light. That’s what catches my eye. I also work a lot in England,” explains Olivier Cosson, who regularly travels to London or Brighton: “it’s an aesthetic country where taking photos is simpler than back home.”

Olivier Cosson will exhibit for the first time in the Hôtel de Ville, in Bihorel, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime). (©Le Bulletin)

Thirty photos to escape

After an exhibition in 1996 in the Capital of Terre-Neuvas, Olivier Cosson will wait for the advent of social networks and the fashion for exhibitions to return to the House of Elders, in Rouen, in 2017. In 2019, he then founded his self-employed and multiplied the exhibitions, including a retrospective for his 30 years of photography, in Fécamp, or a partnership with the photographer Dominique Cordier, on portraits from the 60s to the present day, in Oissel.

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The journey through photography

It was on his initiative, “because I had already had the idea of ​​the theme Getting fresh air in mind for some time”, that the Norman proposed to the City to hang it in this public place, where there is a regular passage. “It’s interesting over a long period of time. This exhibition is for people who will be there during the summer, to escape while staying in the city. Go on a journey through my colorful photos. Thirty photos to take the time to stroll.”

Olivier Cosson will be present on July 31 and August 14 “to also receive the leisure centers. Afterwards, for the winter, I am considering an exhibition on England in black and white.”

Practical information

Taking some fresh air, exhibition by Olivier Cosson, from July 1 to August 29, 2024, at the Bihorel Town Hall. Free entry during opening hours / www.bihorel.fr Opening reception on Friday July 5, at 6:30 p.m., wedding hall.
Site : www.oliviercosson-photographie.com /

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