Candidates from the 2nd constituency already remobilized on the ground

Candidates from the 2nd constituency already remobilized on the ground
Candidates from the 2nd constituency already remobilized on the ground

Accompanied by two young RN activists, Estelle Chevallier (24.42% on 1is tour) puts his new leaflets in the mailboxes of the inhabitants of Minaloux-Beauvoir. Between Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, the face of the 20-year-old student. “People need to know what the candidate who will represent them looks like”she explains without batting an eyelid, although it is the national figures of the party who have until then been largely put forward.

Boxing for the RN

On the ground, residents will not see the candidate in the coming days. Indeed, she is leaving on Wednesday for the south of France where she comes from. “I have to return to Aix-en-Provence for family reasons but around ten activists will be active”she promises to our astonishment. This Monday morning, it is still time for the boxing. Estelle Chevallier is not going to knock on doors: “I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me, it’s too intrusive. » So, there is little exchange: “People will make their choice based on the ideas. Everything is in the program.”she says.

Towing for Soumaille

In the afternoon, it was the New Popular Front candidate Valérie Soumaille (28.63%) who took to the Roches-Prémarie-Andillé countryside to leaflet outside schools and door-to-door. . Faced with voters, the speech is well rehearsed: she denounces “ the imposture of the RN » and recalls in particular “that they voted against the rent freeze in the Assembly”. The candidate pointe “their inconsistencies”. Faced with this lady who did not vote in the first round, she tries to convince: “We have a backbone, a real social project.” She takes out her joker: “Completely free education. » Remember that “the program has been validated by recognized economists”. We feel that we need to reassure. The tutelary figure of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is divisive. However, it is a question of seducing those who have chosen the socialist Aurélien Bourdier (10.08%). Of course, he called for a vote for Sacha Houlié but Valérie Soumaille knows that “Voters have their own opinion”.

Collage for Houlié

These are the same people that the candidate of the presidential majority is trying to convince, late in the afternoon in Saint-Benoît. In the middle of a bonding session, the outgoing MP (33.21%) is in deep discussion with a disappointed Macronist. It talks about immigration law. From the anger of citizens. The conversation ends well: “I’m glad I saw you”he says to Sacha Houlié. The latter claims a candidacy “which goes from the social right to the socialist left”. He tries to convey the message that he is “the best bulwark to blockade”. I believe? “The RN is an adversary, the New Popular Front a competitor. » This is the first time he has found himself in a three-way fight.



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