the president of a polling station beaten by an assessor appointed by Eric Ciotti

the president of a polling station beaten by an assessor appointed by Eric Ciotti
the president of a polling station beaten by an assessor appointed by Eric Ciotti

An assessor appointed by Eric Ciotti’s team violently attacked the president of a polling station in Nice this Sunday, June 30, around 8 a.m. An investigation has been opened.

The first round of the legislative elections took place under tension in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). Franck, 64, the president of the polling station at the Baumettes school was attacked by a 70-year-old assessor, appointed by Éric Ciotti’s team. This Sunday, June 30, the attacker tried to prevent the office from opening, believing that all the obligations of the Electoral Code were not respected, in particular the composition of the polling station.
The man went so far as to punch the victim in the face. The events took place in front of voters who were waiting to vote. The attacker was arrested by the national police at around 8:45 a.m. A preliminary investigation for ” violence against a person carrying out a public service mission and insults against police officers » was opened.

The attacker was dismissed from his position

Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi thanked the police for their responsiveness, denounced the assault and increased security around the polling stations. He said Franck has returned to his post, hailing his ” courage ” and his ” engagement “For his part, Eric Ciotti also reacted to the assessor’s action: ” This is a totally inappropriate attitude that I totally condemn. » « It is a naturally individual behavior which has absolutely no place in a major democratic meeting which must be peaceful and serene. “, he added. The president of the LR, recently allied with the RN, declared that he had dismissed the attacker from his position.
His campaign team, which evokes a “ hustle », gave her support to Franck and dissociated herself from the attacker, a veteran who had already played the role of assessor on several occasions. The president of the office, shocked, filed a complaint.



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