Sologne des Étangs: “We deserved better” – News

Sologne des Étangs: “We deserved better” – News
Sologne des Étangs: “We deserved better” – News

The Grand Prix de la Sologne des Étangs was held last Saturday in strange circumstances. The organizers of the event – which hosts the third round of the Coupe de France N2 – were in for a real shock when they learned, just three days before the big day, that the event could not take place, due (in particular) to a David Guetta concert nearby (read here). Everything finally returned to normal, after Erwan Grux and his teams found a Plan B in terms of the course, for the victory of the oldest Yannick Martinez in Loir-et-Cher (see ranking). Now, the man at the head of the organizing committee wants to look ahead, and dreams of N1. Interview.

DirectVelo: Organizing this fifth edition was no easy task!
Erwan Grux: No, but we had a very good race despite a route which was modified on Wednesday, three days before the event, due to the David Guetta concert. We submitted the route to the prefecture on April 29 and we were told on Wednesday morning that the race was simply canceled… We made the decision to modify the route and redo a proposal which was validated on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. We had to readjust. We still had a good performance. We were lucky to have a first attack from the French Champion, Titouan Margueritat, who put on a show all day long.

So are you satisfied with this day?
I remain frustrated with the number of participants. We have 17 N2 teams, who have an obligation to come. For the rest, I had invited around fifteen N3 training groups, and only two responded favorably to this invitation. The teams wanted us to cover travel costs. To come and compete in a round of the Coupe de France N2… Well, to each their own. I thank Issoire and Lucé, who played the game and came without reimbursed travel expenses. Issoire is faithful, they came to our first five editions. Still, we had a peloton of 114 runners. We deserved better, I think, even if I understand that many needed to cut back after the French Championship.

So you were hoping for a larger peloton?
Yes, we would have liked 40 runners more because when you present a peloton of 90 guys to the elected officials who pay for the race, they laugh in your face. But that’s how it is.


Should we change the date?
It’s complicated, the calendar is very extensive. We had already wanted to change the date two years ago but we ultimately didn’t do it. We do not plan to apply in September, given that half of the organization’s volunteers, in Sologne, are hunters (smile). Our goal is to do that in May-June but it’s not easy.

Is there a desire to integrate the N1 French Cup calendar?
We claim to want to apply. Considering our organization, and having spoken with several sports directors, we were told that we had the level and that it was largely possible. We will apply.

With the route initially planned this year, and without David Guetta?
(Smile). There are several applicants. All the mayors were present this evening and some have already told us of their desire to host the race. In any case, Sologne is not very flat. Unfortunately, this time we had to remove the hillier part. But there is something to do.



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