The outgoing LR MP in the lead, the RN in ambush: what to remember from the first round in the 3rd constituency of Allier

The outgoing LR deputy, Nicolas Ray, won the first round, Sunday June 30, in the 3rd constituency of Allier, with two points more than the RN candidate, Rémy Queney. Next Sunday, he should benefit from the votes of the New Popular Front candidate, Aline Jeudi, who withdrew in his favor.

He is doing well. Very well, in fact. Better than many outgoing MPs. And better than the big names in his camp, led by Laurent Wauquiez.
With 40.05% of the votes, LR Nicolas Ray qualified for the second round of the early legislative elections, Sunday June 30. With the luxury of turning in mind. Nothing was done, as the national dynamic of the RN seemed irresistible.

United right and massive participation

But when it comes time to take stock, a first observation. Supported by his camp locally, by a large majority of the mayors of the constituency, but also by Claude Malhuret, Bourbonnais voice of Édouard Philippe’s Horizons party, the outgoing deputy made the grand slam on the center-right side.

And he was able to benefit, at the same time, from the transfer of a good part of the 23.27% of the votes of Bénédicte Peyrol, the unsuccessful candidate of the presidential majority in 2022. In the end, therefore, 40.05%, and 21,464 votes, 11,870 more than in 2022 (24.22%). More than double.

He particularly stood out in the three major municipalities of the urban area: Vichy (44.92%), Cusset (40.57%) and Bellerive-sur-Allier (47.04%), a municipality where he is a municipal councillor.

“In the national context, it is a satisfaction and an honor to have been placed in the lead, whispered Nicolas Ray, the results in hand. It is recognition of the work undertaken with my deputy Valérie Lassalle. However, there is a real risk for the second round.”

“I call on all women and men of common sense, humanists, to join us, in a republican spirit, to choose a local elected official, who lives here, unlike my opponent, and to choose a unifying MP.”

Nicolas Ray (Outgoing LR MP)

The incumbent also benefited from a sharp rise in participation, to the tune of 69.08%, compared to 50.65% two years ago. It was necessary. Because his main opponent, the RN Rémy Queney, parachuted in and invisible on his campaign posters, is not so far away. He comes out on top in a good part of the rural areas of the department, and even in Gannat and Lapalisse. He also benefits from the unprecedented participation, which allows him to take second place, with 37.82% of the votes, 20,270 ballots, or 12,223 more than Quentin Julien’s score, in 2022 (20.31%). Only 1,194 ballots behind…

“We are satisfied. In the second round, we need the mobilization of Bourbonnais voters, to send a deputy capable of carrying their voice to Paris,” explained Rémy Queney.

“I want to emphasize that we are the duo that represents the moderate right in the face of the Macronist bloc, without faith or law, which the Bourbonnais, and all the French, do not want any more.”

Rémy Queney (Candidate du RN)

Coming in third position with 20.40%, in a position to hold on and act as justice of the peace, the socialist Aline Jeudi, representative of the New Popular Front, announced shortly after the announcement of the results that she was withdrawing. Calling unambiguously to block the National Rally.

The fourth candidate, Jean-François Rameau, collected 1.72% of the votes, did not give voting instructions, sending the applicants back to back.

Victory will therefore be decided in a duel next Sunday. And given the reserves of votes, the ballot looks largely favorable to the outgoing deputy, who should remain one of the rare LR in the Palais Bourbon.

Matthieu Perrrinaud



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