new pedestrian zone, new access rules

With the completion of work on Cours Gabriel Péri, Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Les Caladons, Lunel will officially inaugurate a pedestrian zone, from July 22, which will be more welcoming and peaceful, as part of the project Metamorphosis initiated by the City. This plan aims to modernize and beautify public spaces while promoting soft mobility.

Pedestrians are making way! The Métamorph’Ose project has reconfigured several major locations in Lunel, including Rue de la Libération, which was redeveloped last year, as well as Cours Gabriel Péri, Place des Caladons and Place Louis Rey, and Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Rue du Capitaine Ménard. This work has transformed the heart of the city into a space where pedestrians, bicycles, and scooters can move around freely.

New rules for vehicles

Despite the pedestrianization, certain vehicles will still be able to access this area under certain specific conditions. Residents, owners, and tenants of garages or private parking lots must register their vehicles to access pedestrian zones. To do this, two options are available to them:

  1. Registration with the Municipal Police : A form is available on site.
  2. Online registration : At

From now on, the pedestrian zones are divided into three sectors. From July 22, access points will be operational in sectors 1 and 2, while sector 3 will follow on June 1, 2025.

Map of the three new pedestrian zones / Credit: Ville de Lunel

Consequently, new traffic regulations will apply within the new pedestrian zone from July 22:

  • Reservation for pedestrians : Outside of delivery times, Cours Péri and the adjacent streets are now exclusively pedestrianized.
  • Vehicle registration : Residents and garage or parking lot owners must register their vehicles on or with the municipal police. Registration is required for sectors 1 and 2 now, and for sector 3 from June 1, 2025.
  • Operation of access terminals : From July 22, 2024, the terminals in sectors 1 and 2 will automatically control the access of registered vehicles.

Please also note that only certain vehicles are authorized to access this pedestrian zone:

  • Authorized motorized vehicles : Local residents, emergency services (firefighters, police), health professionals, and other rights holders.
  • Bikes and scooters : Authorized to travel at a maximum speed of 6 km/h, or walking pace.
  • Deliveries : Authorized from 5 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. after registration with the Urban Supervision Center.

Finally, parking and travel instructions for certain specific vehicles will have to be respected. In fact, parking is tolerated for a maximum of 20 minutes, without hindering the movement of those entitled to it. And, concerning Motorized Personal Transport Devices (EDPM), they must be driven by hand on Place Jean Jaurès (Les Caladons).

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