LEGISLATIVE 2024. The Poitou-Charentes region, illustration of the defeat of the presidential camp

LEGISLATIVE 2024. The Poitou-Charentes region, illustration of the defeat of the presidential camp
LEGISLATIVE 2024. The Poitou-Charentes region, illustration of the defeat of the presidential camp

The historic score of the National Rally in the majority of constituencies in the former Poitou-Charentes region also marks the defeat of the Macronist camp. For the second time since the 2017 presidential election, the presidential majority has been defeated.

The party of President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is in decline. After the European elections of June 9, the majority camp suffered a new setback against the National Rally and the New Popular Front. For elections that only concern the French, this is the first defeat for the Macronist party since the 2017 presidential election.

After the announcement of his dissolution of the National Assembly on the evening of the results of the European elections three weeks ago, some are talking about a disaster, or even the end of Macronism. Dominique Breillat, a political scientist from Poitiers, also speaks of a failure of strategy by the President of the Republic: “His movement is already losing influence. Many supporters seek to break away from this Macronist label. After 2027, it will be very difficult to exist.

This observation is also illustrated on a regional scale, particularly in Poitou-Charentes. “In 2022, his camp had managed to come out on top against the RN: there were seven duels in the 15 constituencies between the presidential majority and the National Rally. Today, the RN is present in all constituencies“, he specifies. In total, nine RN candidates finished in first position during this first round of the legislative elections.

In Charente

In the first constituency, Thomas Mesnier, affiliated with Édouard Philippe’s party (Horizons) and part of the presidential majority, was once again beaten by the outgoing LFI MP René Pilato, as in the 2023 by-election. Only 23 votes allowed Thomas Mesnier to beat Marion Latus, candidate of the National Rally.

Outgoing MP Sandra Marsaud is also struggling against RN candidate Barthélémy Martin in the second constituency. If Carole Ballu (LFI – New Popular Front), who finished third in this first round, withdraws as requested by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the candidate of the presidential majority (Ensemble) will try to recover her votes to regain her seat in the National Assembly.

Renaissance MP Sandra Marsaud, on the set of Dimanche en politique.

© France Télévisions

⇒ ALSO READ: MAP. Results of the 1st round of 2024 legislative elections in Charente: two three-way races and a surge of the far right

In the second round of the third constituency, it will be a duel between the National Rally and the New Popular Front. Despite the favorable ballot and his qualification for the next round, the MoDem candidate and mayor of Montbron Gwenhaël François has withdrawn. He is withdrawing in favor of Virginie Lebraud, a candidate with the Socialist Party label. She will challenge the only outgoing RN MP for Poitou-Charentes, Caroline Colombier.

In Charente-Maritime

The outgoing Left Divers deputy Olivier Falorni, supported by the Macronist camp, largely won during this 1st round in the first constituency. He is the only majority candidate to have finished first in the votes cast in the Charente-Maritime department. With more than 15 points ahead of the candidate of the New Popular Front, Jean-Marc Soubeste, and the RN candidate, Emma Chauveau, he is favorite to succeed himself for the second round, on July 7.

Anne-Laure Babault, also an outgoing MP in the second constituency, finished third in the first round of these legislative elections. The MoDem candidate, affiliated with the presidential majority, does not wish to withdraw in favor of Benoît Biteau (Les Écologistes – Nouveau Front populaire), who finished second in the votes cast. This could benefit Karen Bertholom, candidate of the National Rally, who finished first in this first round.

Benoit Biteau

© Lionel Gonzalez – France Télévisions

In the third constituency of Charente-Maritime, it is a new failure of the Macronist camp. Jean-Philippe Ardouin, outgoing deputy of the presidential majority (Ensemble), announces his withdrawal in view of his third place in this first round. Fabrice Barusseau (PS – New Popular Front) will face Stéphane Morin (National Rally) in the second round.

⇒ ALSO READ: MAP. Results of the 1st round of the 2024 legislative elections in Charente-Maritime: four triangular out of the five constituencies

Raphaël Gérard, candidate of the presidential majority and outgoing deputy of the fourth constituency, finished second in this first round of the legislative elections. He hopes to recover the ballots of the people who voted for Danièle Desselles (LFI – New Popular Front), beaten by more than 6 000 votes. Pascal Markowsky, RN candidate, with 45.21 % of the votes cast, is favorite in the second round.

Outgoing MP Christophe Plassard (Horizons) finished second in the first round of the legislative elections. Candidate Aymeric Mongelous (National Rally) has more than 10 points ahead of the presidential majority candidate. With the withdrawal of Anne Brachet (PS – New Popular Front), who finished third, Christophe Plassard hopes to regain his seat in the National Assembly.

In Deux-Sèvres

The outgoing centrist deputy Bastien Marchive comes first in the first constituency of Deux-Sèvres, with 40 % voices. Presenting himself as a candidatefree and independent” and not with the presidential majority, the support of Jérôme Baloge, mayor of Niort and several mayors of rural communities, worked in his favor. He even calls on the left-wing candidate, Nathalie Lanzi (PS – New Popular Front) to withdraw .

Frédéric Erasme René Bizard (MoDem) was unable to face Delphine Batho, outgoing MP and affiliated with the Ecologists – New Popular Front party. Mélody Garault, RN candidate, will try to take the seat of this second constituency of Deux-Sèvres, where a departmental political figure is well established.

⇒ ALSO READ: MAP. Results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections in Deux-Sèvres: the outgoing deputies are putting up resistance

The outgoing deputy Jean-Marie Fiévet, with the Ensemble de la majority presidential label, finished second in this first round, with 31.12 % of votes cast. Here too, he hopes to win back the votes of Juliette Woillez, left-wing candidate (LFI – New Popular Front) and Mattieu Manceau (Les Républicains), to face the Ciottiste candidate Philippe Robin, who obtained 35.27 % voices.

Deputy Jean-Marie Fiévet during a session at the National Assembly

© Thomas Padilla/MAXPPP

In Vienna

In the first constituency, the candidate of the Horizons group, affiliated with the presidential majority, Séverine Sainte-Pé finished third during this first round, behind Lisa Belluco (Les Écologues – Nouveau Front populaire) and Emmanuelle Darles (RN). Five points behind the outgoing environmentalist MP, Sévérine Sainte-Pé seems in bad shape.

Sacha Houlié is the only candidate from the Poitou-Charentes region, affiliated with the presidential majority and belonging to the Macronist political group, to have finished first in the first round of these legislative elections. He will face Valérie Soumaille (LFI – New Popular Front) and Estelle Chevalier (National Rally) in the second round.

Sacha Houlié – Member of Parliament for the second constituency of Vienne, President of the Law Commission in the National Assembly.

© Vincent Isore / MaxPPP

⇒ ALSO READ: MAP. Results 1st round of the 2024 legislative elections in Vienne: two leavers in the lead, the other two in difficulty

Pascal Lecamp, outgoing MP (MoDem) attached to the presidential majority, finished second in the first round of these legislative elections, 10 points behind the National Rally candidate Éric Soulat. He is counting on the support of voters who voted for Gisèle Jean (DVG – New Popular Front) to succeed in regaining his seat in the third constituency of Vienne.

The situation is identical in the fourth constituency, where the outgoing MP Nicolas Turquois (MoDem) was defeated in this first round by the RN candidate Hager Jacquemin. The withdrawal of Yves Trousselle (Place publique – Nouveau Front populaire), despite his qualification for the second round, could allow the voters and supporters of the outgoing MP, linked to the presidential majority, to win.



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